RE: (PM) More on 3.8b17 (BETA!)

John Gonzalez/netMDC admin (
Mon, 20 Jul 1998 14:34:39 -0600 (MDT)

On Mon, 20 Jul 1998, Mikael Hugo wrote:

|| I have over the past weeks grown REALLY tired of the discussions
|| regarding non working betas, that doesent lead anywhere.
|| I tested the betacode, and found it broken then backed down again.
|| Heck - When you betatest a Windows and it eats your harddrive and fries
|| your CPU you dont go and scream at Microsoft. You scream at Microsoft
|| when the production version doesent work.

while i agree with you as well, and the beta specific newsgroup would be
nice, there DOES need to be discussion about the problems. As that's how
you find what's working and what's not.

_ __ _____ __ _________
______________ /_______ ___ ____ /______ John Gonzalez/Net.Engineer
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