(PM) diamond shotgun on PM3

I don't work for Lucent RABU (livingston@iav.com)
Mon, 20 Jul 1998 07:38:02 -1000 (HST)

On Tue, 21 Jul 1998, Matt wrote:

> Question...
> I have a user who wants to use his diamond shotgun modem with our
> portmasters. Do my PM3's support it?

*sigh* please put a subject on your messages to the list... it makes it
easier to search through... ;)

The diamond shotgun will work, IF you are using ComOS 3.8x

why? modems are analog devices. diamond mm finally went to using MP
instead of the MP+ or whatever ascend version they were playing with,
there is either a posting from me here or in inet-access about that.
so since it's analog MP you NEED ComOS 3.8x.

question is ... is it reliable enough? I personally don't know, as I'm
sitting out the current beta wars ;)

You could try it and see, but if it's using a Rockwell chipset and v.90
forget it. You could attempt to force v.34, but hmmm the betas do have
problems with some v.34... etc etc...

SO! try it and see if you do have 3.8bx loaded...

Aloha from Paradise,


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