RE: (PM) Analog Dialout Dilemma (Not a Location)

Coleman,Clayton L. (
Mon, 20 Jul 1998 10:42:21 -0400

I'm not using a location to dialout -- I'm actually using the
PortMaster's modems like modems on my PC. Therefore, you can't just say
'set loc analog off' because there is no location. Basically here's the

- I have a driver on my PC - Dialout/IP from Tactical Software. It
makes my PC think I have a third communications port.
- The Dialout/IP driver interfaces via TCP/IP to my PortMaster. I setup
a port on my PM3, 6002 for example, to answer incoming telnets and
connect me directly to a modem. If you were able to telnet to port 6002
of the PM3, you would be able to enter AT commands and even dialout,
just as if you were using a regular modem connected to your PC.
- In closing, the PortMaster is not using locations, users, etc to
dialout -- it's using the AT commands my PC connected to the network
sends it. Therefore, I can't turn 'analog on' because I have no
interface or port to assign the analog value. Yes, I could turn it on
for a particular modem, but that wouldn't work in my situation, because
modems & ports don't neccessarily run sequentially. (ex: S0 does not
equal M0 & S1 does not mean M1)



>-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>Sent: Monday, July 20, 1998 10:10 AM
>Subject: Re: (PM) Analog Dialout Dilemma
>> Last week I was working on configuring the PortMaster 3 for dialout
>> access FROM the network via a TCP/IP modem driver --- ACCOMPLISHED,
>> thanks to the help of Ed @ Lucent. Now, I'm faced with another
>> situation where possibly someone has experience.
>> Part of my reason for needing dialout access from the LAN to the world
>> was that we have some remote sites we want to RAS into via the PM3.
>> Unfortunately, the "virtual modems" that are setup aren't dialing analog
>> -- just ISDN. How can I set up a port, say S0 for example, to dialout
>> ONLY analog? Our ISDN sites all have the OR-U's and we're not using
>> them w/RAS, just dialout locations. We need the virtual modems we
>> created in the PM3 to dial only analog. Is this possible? Maybe there
>> is an init string I need when telnetting in and dialing out from the
>> PM3....
> set location <location_name> analog on
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