Re: (PM) Feature Request (was SECURITY PROBLEM.) (fwd)

Stephen Zedalis (
Mon, 20 Jul 1998 10:37:16 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 18 Jul 1998, Brian Elfert wrote:

>If the average hacker is telnetting to various IP addresses to determine
>what type of system it is for hacking purposes, and happens to see the
>debug output, are they going to have any idea how to decode it?

Sure, why not? Also you guys are looking for this in the wrong vein, ie.
a hacker who stumbles on the debug output. What about the guy who is
looking for it? Ie. the guy that talked the sysadmin sap into turning
debugging on, then did a DOS attack on the sysadmin's console machine,
then telnetted in 4x, voila. Hell, he'd pipe all that telnet output
straight to his homebrew ppp-decoder-ring, or maybe like MZ says he can
read HEX natively. (probably less difficult than learning -say- morse
code for each letter)

Take Care


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