Re: (PM) Netopia Dual Analog Routers

John W Baxter (
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 11:14:10 -0700

>Is anyone using the Netopia Dual Analog Router to connect to a PM3? If you
>are what are your results? Did you have to do anything special to get it to

I played with it for a while (somewhat less than optimally, since I was
calling from home, which is in a Flex-proof central office <360-437>...the
fallback was to 26400).

I ran the no-brainer setup (which, oddly, only ran on my 8100, not my 7300
for reasons I haven't worked out). This setup will certainly get one
going, and for many installations will be enough, with perhaps passwording
added to the admin access.

On my vast Ethernet network (2 Macs; 2 localtalk printers, hub,
ethernet-to-localtalk bridge), setup on each Mac consisted of adjusting
TCP/IP to work over Ethernet using DHCP: 2 popup menu changes per machine,
no restart). Setup of the Netopia consisted of running the setup thing and
letting it do what it wanted.

At that point, both Macs could still talk to both printers (I did mention
in an earlier message in another threadthat I need AppleTalk), and both
Macs could use the connection to our PM3. Trailing commas don't seem to
work in the box's INIT strings, so the usual slow try-Flex and fall back to
a slow speed meant that the second channel was often ready about when it
was not longer needed. I suspect a +MS=blah in the INIT string would have
fixed that.

The Macs could also talk to each other over IP (usually, I let that happen
with a double phone link, rather than reconfiguring to use TCP/IP over
Ethernet). And the "exporting" of Internet services seemed to work (I
tried exporting http and FTP, successfully).

A nice bonus was that I didn't have to keep either phone link alive to keep
my telnet sessions alive, up to some time limit (probably the DHCP lease

I may bring the box back here (we have one for evaluation) and set it up to
use one channel only, dialing to a PM2 (ie, no multilink). The settings to
do that are pretty easy in the Netopia (as are forcing two channels full
time, and the same sorts of options for the third channel if you plug in
the external modem). The gain would be the somewhat persistent telnet
sessions (no more wondering whether this particular unclean exit from the
PortMaster reset the session or not), and use of one phone line for both

Admin of the box by both HTTP and telnet seemed to work well. Including
the very nice "return to factory defaults" command for just before packing
the box up to take back to the office.


John Baxter      Port Ludlow, WA, USA
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach him to fish,
and you get rid of him for the weekend.
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