Re: (RADIUS) Re: (PM) Speed Limitation

Matt (
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 13:51:20 -0400 (EDT)

Right....but is there anyway to limit a users bandwidth with Livingston
Radius 2.0?

# Matt Chambers
# The PressRoom Online Services
# Voice: 703-631-5755
# Fax: 703-502-8649

On Fri, 17 Jul 1998, Thomas C Kinnen wrote:

> >Unfortunately, Lucent says that physically restricting the speed via CLI
> >commands is not possible, instead, everything has to be done through
> >RADIUS. (Damn!)
> >
> >The biggest trick of all is that under no circumstances should a user not
> >be able to authenticate, even if they connect at the "Wrong" speed.
> [This is a bit Radius so I'll CC the Radius List]
> Radius ABM allows policy based billing based on min and max connects speeds.
> (you can get the docs at if
> you would like to look them over). You can set users so that they get
> billed at their normal flat rate for 14.4K connects but can dial in at
> higher speeds and then bet billed on a different rate (per byte, pre hour,
> per min). You need a PM3 to do this since it reports connect rate. This
> would allow your customers to attach at a higher speeds as their demands
> needed and be automatically billed for it. The same goes for ISDN also. If
> the users go to a friends house that has ISDN they could use it to log in
> and get a per min charge for ISDN but still have flat rate for Async.
> Tom
> ----
> Thomas C Kinnen - <>
> [Test Engineer - Radius ABM] - LUCENT Technologies RABU
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