Re: (PM) Speed Limitation

Thomas C Kinnen (
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 09:15:54 -0700

>Unfortunately, Lucent says that physically restricting the speed via CLI
>commands is not possible, instead, everything has to be done through
>RADIUS. (Damn!)
>The biggest trick of all is that under no circumstances should a user not
>be able to authenticate, even if they connect at the "Wrong" speed.

[This is a bit Radius so I'll CC the Radius List]

Radius ABM allows policy based billing based on min and max connects speeds.
(you can get the docs at if
you would like to look them over). You can set users so that they get
billed at their normal flat rate for 14.4K connects but can dial in at
higher speeds and then bet billed on a different rate (per byte, pre hour,
per min). You need a PM3 to do this since it reports connect rate. This
would allow your customers to attach at a higher speeds as their demands
needed and be automatically billed for it. The same goes for ISDN also. If
the users go to a friends house that has ISDN they could use it to log in
and get a per min charge for ISDN but still have flat rate for Async.


Thomas C Kinnen - <>
[Test Engineer - Radius ABM] - LUCENT Technologies RABU
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