Re: (PM) USR sportster problems

John Lange (
Thu, 16 Jul 1998 15:03:31 -0500


This happens with my Home computer also.

I shut the system down, power off, and re-start. Dial in and all is OK.

This is NOT a fix, but it works.

JOhn :}

At 03:08 PM 7/16/1998 -0400, you wrote:
>I have look through the archives and I cant find the answer to my questions.
>I have a USR 33.6 sportster. If it connects at 31200, It is slow to a
>crawl. What it does it send 128 bits and get larger and larger until it
>hits 1024k packets. When it reaches there it stopps and gets and error. If
>I force it to connect at 28.8 or 26400 it runs faster. Any setting or inits
>that will fix this?
>Pm3 with lucent 56k and the v.90 beta installed
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