(PM) pmcommand -nostop not working?

Bert Driehuis (bert_driehuis@nl.compuware.com)
Wed, 15 Jul 1998 16:53:15 +0200

The usage summary for pm_command (from pm_3.5.3_BSDOS_2.0.tar.Z) shows a
-nostop option, which I couldn't find any reference for in the docs of
pm_command. Apparently it doesn't cause the PM3 to suppress the "Press Return
for more" prompt, like I'd expect from the name of the -nostop option. What's
worse, when that prompt appears, pm_command terminates the command, so even
sticking a bunch of <CR>'s in the input file doesn't help.

Just out of curiosity, what is -nostop supposed to do?

I know that people work around this by using expect or PERL to emulate a
telnet session, but this seems pretty lame to me. For one thing, pm_command
uses encrypted passwords to log in to the Portmaster, so snooping is less of a
concern with pm_command than it is with telnet (even though it seems the
actual commands and responses not encrypted).

Does anyone know of ways (not involving emulating keystrokes via telnet) to
dump the location table of a PM-3? I've considered grovelling through the
results of a file created by pm_readconf (of course the file format is
undocumented, but that looks to be just a minor hurdle).


-- Bert

Bert Driehuis, MIS -- bert_driehuis@nl.compuware.com -- +31-20-3116119
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