(PM) Bad slot or modemcard

Blaz Zupan (blaz@gold.amis.net)
Tue, 14 Jul 1998 16:56:49 +0200 (CEST)

The story is a bit long so the impatient will want to skip this mail :)

We just installed a brand new (with the Lucent logo) PM3 in a new POP. The
telco also installed the PRI circuit (EuroISDN) this week. I put ComOS
3.8b13 on the box (it came with 3.7.2c3) as I have that version running
just fine in all my POPs.

Before giving out the number I wanted to do some testing. So I called in
from my USR Courier and got a 21600 connect. Huh? The courier is connected
to a completely digital line that can get 33600 everytime to absolutely
every single one of our POPs. So I dialed in a second time and got a 16800
connect (huh?). Dialed in a third time, did not even get a connect, only

Ok, I said, the telco did it again. So we phoned up a couple of techies
and talked to them and they invited us to bring the PM3 directly to the
switch, to elimiate any possible problems with the E1 link conecting us to
the switch (there were no errors shown on "show line0" output).

We tested the box about 3 meteres away from the switch. I was dialing in
from another PM3 in another POP (which can, by the way, dial to our other
PM3s without a single failure at 33600 everytime). We got 16800, 21600, or
NO CARRIER connects, sometimes even connects without error correction with
garbage flying up the screen. The interesting part - ISDN connect were
just fine every time.

The circuit is provisioned exactly the same as in the other POPs (the
telco guys copied the settings exactly, I was watching behind their back
while they were programming the switch).

So I decided it could be a problem with the modem card and disabled the
first 3 modem chips (set m0 off, set m1 off, ...). 33600 connect
everytime. Ok, so it IS a bad card. Is it? We put the card in the second
slot and enabled all the modem chips - nice 33600 connect every time.

What can we conclude from this? Is it a bad card or bad chassis (it's a
PM3-1E)? Anybody seen anything like this - the first modem chip not
wanting to work correctly in the first slot? I just want to be sure before
running out to my distributor and yelling at them (they already shipped us
a bad PM3 once, it locked solid every couple of days). For now we left the
card in the second slot and put the PM3 back to its place and I will be
informing our users to start testing the second number.

Is it only me or is Lucent producing bad hardware lately (we had
absolutely no problems with the good old Livingston PM3's).

Blaz Zupan, blaz@medinet.si, http://home.amis.net/blaz
Medinet d.o.o., Linhartova 21, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

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