Re: (PM) filters - 2 questions

Josh Richards (
Mon, 13 Jul 1998 16:46:46 -0700 (PDT)

On 13 Jul 1998, Dick Balaska wrote:

> Dudes and/or dudettes:
> I use my PM as the hole in the wall for my small office.
> All the different do's and don'ts has given me a wacky filter list.
> Is there any way to add comments to the filter list?
> 'Sure would make it easier to maintain.

No, not on the PM itself. Many people maintain their filters in text
files and then upload them with pmcommand or similar--I guess you could
place filters into the text files and parse them out during upload (pretty
easy to do automatically...if you use say '#' to begin comments, pipe the
file through a 'grep -v "#"' or similar before sending to PM).

> Also, it would be nice if in addition to "permit" and "deny" there was
> an option to "let them eat static". I see no point in being friendly to
> the port scanners; i would like to tie up his tcp ports for a bit
> (especially on the machines that don't exist)



Josh Richards - <> - <>
[Beta Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
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