Dave Burgess (
Sun, 12 Jul 1998 13:48:48 -0500 (CDT)

> >After one (1) successfull login, it breaks and NO log info is generated
> >thereafter!!! The Radius clients and the Radius test utility on another
> >machine cannot contact the Radius Server. Then the Radius server will not
> >Stop and Start correctly, I have to reboot my machine to correct.
> Check your security setup on the SQL server. I had a problem like that at
> one time due to the SQL server refusing to allow RadiusNT to insert into the
> DB. I set RadiusNT to run under the Administrator account and set the DSN
> to use trusted security and it went away.

Check the TechNet Knowledge Base for more information on this. There is
an article which describes exactly the same symptom when IIS tries to
connect to SQL Server.

Dave Burgess                   Network Engineer - Nebraska On-Ramp, Inc.
*bsd FAQ Maintainer / SysAdmin for the NetBSD system in my spare bedroom
"Just because something is stupid doesn't mean there isn't someone that 
doesn't want to do it...."
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