Re: (PM) Feature Request (was SECURITY PROBLEM.)

Stephen Zedalis (
Wed, 8 Jul 1998 23:07:21 -0400 (EDT)

So what you are saying is that ALL your release (non-beta) versions of
ComOS have this bug and there is no resolution. And from the suggestion
to use the Java tools even though they only work on an as of yet
unreleased version of ComOS, there isn't going to be one either. And
given all the focus on the PM-3 and its V.90/V.34 problems, its gonna be
awhile til you see a resolution for the lowly PM-2's, etc. since they will
get ComOS 3.8 after you get the PM-3s squared away as you guys have stated
before. Man this makes the red LED issue seem insignificant. This ought
to have a big Warning label in your Command Line Administrator's Guide,
Troubleshooting Guide, etc.

On Wed, 8 Jul 1998, D. Scott Gardner wrote:

>Versions of the ComOS earlier than 3.8 do not have the necessary hooks
>for our Java applications to perform either monitoring or debugging.

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