(PM) Routing Problem

Mia's Virtual Post Office (list@mia.net)
Wed, 8 Jul 98 20:57:21 -0000

Hello, I have a huge routing problem that is two fold and I cannot figure
it out.

1. Below is the route for my new PM3 Under interface for the route to the
router it shows Unknow, why, and how do I fix this. I cannot seem to get
the IPs on this PM3 to show up.

Command> sh route
Destination Mask Gateway Source Flag Met Interface
----------------- ---- -------------------- ------- ---- --- --------- 27 local NL 1 ether0 0 local NS 1 Unknown

2. I recently delagated a block of 24IPs off of our subnet to a colo
machine running its own primary and secondary DNS. The customer cannot
ping the IPs that I have delagated. As a matter of fact the pinging of
IPs on our subnet problem starts at the address that the new PM3 is on.
These problems could be related? I am stumped and really need some help.
If anyone in is in the Wisconsin area and quite knowlegeable of routing
and PM3s or knows how to fix this problem, could you please let me know.


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