(PM) Re: (RADIUS) Remote calls

Thomas C Kinnen (tom@lcp.livingston.com)
Wed, 8 Jul 1998 17:50:01 -0700

>have to log onto the portmaster and kill connections from there. We'd like
>to be able to do this instead from our radius server. I understand that
>there's a way to do this, but I cannot find it. Does anyone know? Please,
>if you do, include instructions and/or references to documentation onhow
>it's done.

You can use PMTools to reset a port from the command line:

pmcommand -h [Your PM] -p [Your Password] "Reset Sxxx"

where xxx is the port number.

I made a number of scripts to do this with PMTools on NT:

CALL PMCOMMAND -h %1 -p %2 "Reset S%3"

And to use it I would do:

C:\>kickuser pm3-1 PASSWORD 3

to reset port S3 on PM3-1.

With a little work you can do wonders with PMTools.


Thomas C Kinnen - <tom@lcp.livingston.com>
[Test Engineer - Radius ABM] - LUCENT Technologies RABU
<URL:http://www.livingston.com/> * <URL:http://www.lucent.com/dns/>

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