(PM) Red LED untrusted...

Mark O'Leary (Mark.O'Leary@nessie.mcc.ac.uk)
Wed, 8 Jul 1998 11:30:23 +0100 (BST)

Following on from posts yesterday about aberrant "red+green" indicators on
a successfully operating euro ISDN PRI, I have been seeing this behaviour
for months. After a reboot or removing the PRI, the line shows green only,
but within hours (or at most 2 or 3 days), the red light is also back on.
The service remains fully accessible to dialup and ISDN even under these
conditions, and "sho line0" etc look normal.

At first I tried to rectify this, but a few days and a borrowed ISDN expert
complete with 40K-worth of diagnostic kit left us convinced that the PRI
was behaving as expected.

Is there a known bug with the LED control or something that explains this
weirdness? - archives search hasnt thrown up anything.


PS this is a 3.7.2c3 box with 32Mb RAM and a STAC card and another 3.7.2c3
chassis with only 4Mb that I am seeing this on. Both have been up for over
30 days with this 'red light on' condition, with no detectable degradation
to performance as regards logins etc.

It's hard enough running a unit with hardly any flashing lights to impress
the boss: a scary red light that you have to explain doesnt mean theres a
problem just makes things harder... ;)

  Mark O'Leary,              |   Voice: +44 (0161) 2756110
  Network Support Officer,   |   Email: Mark.O'Leary@mcc.ac.uk
  Manchester Computing, UK   |      or: mark@mcc.ac.uk

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  Mark O'Leary,              |   Voice: +44 (0161) 2756110
  Network Support Officer,   |   Email: Mark.O'Leary@mcc.ac.uk
  Manchester Computing, UK   |      or: mark@mcc.ac.uk
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