(PM) ISDN - long distance

Carl Schrader (carl@csiway.com)
Sun, 05 Jul 1998 12:46:10 -0700

I have a customer that would like to use isdn. He is currently calling a
# which is simply call forwards to another #. (Makes him local to our
pop) Anyhow, it is my understanding that once the call forwarding is
setup and someone calls.. the transfer is all done internally in the

Can anyone tell me if this guy can make an isdn connection through
something like this?


"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a
captive of
the environment in which you first find yourself.."

Carl Schrader C-S-I-way Internet Services 1-888-C-S-I-WAY-1
carl@csiway.com http://www.csiway.com

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