Re: (PM) Linux Dial-Up

TC Hazzard (
Sun, 5 Jul 1998 10:58:09 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 5 Jul 1998, Scott Rothgaber wrote:

> Just had a Linux customer call up and ask for dial-up scripting. I
> had one on floppy that used pppd and chat, but the disk won't mount
> for some reason. Any of you using Linux-heads care to share something
> with me? I'll settle for a good URL... Sunsite is completely
> different from the last time I was there.

Would be nice to know the flavor of Linux they are running. If a newer
version of RedHat (5.0/5.1) its built in GUI (netcfg) is simple and works
great. If older, I have some old ppp-on, ppp-off and ppp-watch scripts. As
for floppy, what kind of errors are being reported? What format for the
mount are you using? Thanks.


TC Hazzard

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