Re: (PM) Modem not answerin

Paul S. Carlson (
Sun, 5 Jul 1998 20:26:57 +1000 (GST)

yep, a file of null characters maybe. Uncompressed data may give you fair
results but most large things are precompressed now days. JPEGs, zips,
gzips, binhex's and what not. I've never (ever) seen the results that are
printed on the outside of a modem box. I watch averages here to and they
generally seem to be the stated value (connect speed) plus about .4-.8k
with a good tail wind.

I'd be interested in seing a ppp connection pumping 115200 on a 33.6k

Maybe I just live in the land of cruddy phone lines.

Paul - Kuentos

> > A 33.6 modem won't be able to transfer any faster then 57600. (for that
> > matter it's unlikly that a 56k modem would get any faster).
> That depends quite a bit on the data being transfered. Given the right
> type of data, you can push 10kb/s through a v.34 modem with the ports at
> 115200.
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