Re: (PM) Modem not answering

Jesse Shrieve (
Fri, 3 Jul 1998 14:14:09 -0700 (PDT)

> >I have a new PM25. I've configured it and attached a USR Sportster 33.6k
> >modem to it. The dip switch is set to autoanswer mode, and AA is lit. So is
> >TR and CS. When a call comes in, the modem picks up and hangs up really
> >fast (you can tell from the audible clicks). It does so so fast that phone
> >continues to ring, with the pickup hangup sequence occuring after each
> ring.
> Can you supply: Version of ComOS, a capture of the port settings, and the
> current modem config and firwareversion?

Yes, sorry for not initially including that. ComOS 3.7.2. I've tried
several different setups for the port, but the most recent attempts have
left me with this:

----------------------- Current Status - Port S1
Input: 419 Parity Errors: 0
Output: 256 Framing Errors: 9
Pending: 0 Overrun Errors: 0
Modem Status: DCD- CTS+

Active Configuration Default Configuration
-------------------- ---------------------
Port Type: Netwrk Netwrk (Dial In)
Baud Rates: 38400 38400,115200,115200
Flow Control: RTS/CTS RTS/CTS
Modem Control: off on
Modem Config: Configured bleh

Interface: Unassigned (SLIP,Listen)
Mtu: 0 0
Dial Group: 0

My modem is a USR Sportster 33.6k. I've tried two modem configs, the
default usr-v34, which is

Short Name: usr-v34
Long Name: USR Courier/Sportster V.34
Optimal Speed: 115200
Type: System Defined

Init Script: Send Command Wait for Reply
AT&F1&W\r OK

and my own

Long Name: USRSportsterV.34 33.6k
Optimal Speed: 115200
Type: User Defined

Init Script: Send Command Wait for Reply
AT&F1S0=1&WE1Q0\r OK

I'm not sure how to determine the firmwave config. Where is this
documented or what is the command?

Thanks! :)

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