Re: (PM) Odd problem

Josh Richards (
Wed, 1 Jul 1998 23:46:32 -0700 (PDT)

On 28 Jun 1998, <?> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've had it several times lately where when I connect everything works
> fine EXCEPT I cannot reach our radius server when logged in. I can
> ping/telnet/whatever any other machine on our network and anywere on the
> outside world, just not that machine. I know the machine is fine because
> I can reach it if I first telnet to a different box and it obviously
> just authenticated me. This is a PM3 with ComOs b15
> Any ideas why this might be?

You cannot reach it from the dialed in system? Are the other machines
that you can access just fine on the same subnet as your RADIUS server?
What does the RADIUS server show in its routing table for your machine
(that can't connect to it)?


Josh Richards - <> - <>
[Beta Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
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