Re: (PM) no longer at Livingston (fwd)

ServNet Listbox - (
Wed, 1 Jul 1998 13:06:42 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 1 Jul 1998, MegaZone wrote:

> For some reason this is a bit depressing. Bri was the one who hired me,
> despite some objections, and got me started at Livingston. I'd never
> have worked there if it weren't for him... Newer people might not remember
> Bri, but I'm sure the old timers will.

Wow, I gues I'm an old timer. :)

> Bri, I don't know if you still scan the list, but I think you deserve a
> big public "THANK YOU" for everything you did for Livingston, the customers,
> and for me personally over the years.

Ditto. On more than one occassion, Bri bent over backwards to help us
when we had a problem unit. It is remembered and appreciated.

Sonja Jo Krenz-Bush ServNet/Abstract Software
``Just another one of the flock following the herd.''

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