(PM) IP address statistics

Laurent PEAUCELLE (peaucelle@victoire.com)
Wed, 01 Jul 1998 11:18:02 -0700

I have a Portmaster IRX-111 router to access the Internet with a T1.
By default it gives me statistics concerning my whole C-class.
I would like to know how many bytes come to and from each of the domain
names I host.
Can the Portmaster be configured to give me the statistics by IP address ?

| Laurent PEAUCELLE peaucelle@victoire.com |
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
| Victoire Multimedia, Inc. victoiremultimedia.com |
| 2089 Landings Drive Tel : 650-691-9528 |
| Mountain View CA94043 Fax : 650-691-9529 |
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