Re: (PM) We downgraded away from ComOS 3.8b17

Scot W. Hetzel (
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 21:15:50 -0500

From: Rick Smith <>
>The problem: The user can login to a pm3 in another city,
>running ComOS 3.8-v90b14/9805131434 (actually b16 straight
>from livingston at one point), and everything works fine.
>When he hits a b17 pm3, random junk characters like ^P^}^J^H
>get inserted throughout his username in the PAP REQ, so radius
>denies him access at that pm3. Again, he can hang up, change
>the phone number to the ComOS 3.8-v90b14/9805131434 pm3, and
>dial in and negotiate a connection fine.
>Is this a known bug ?
Is the users modem a 3com/USR 56K modem? As I had one user with the same
problem with 3.8b17 where the username was received as random characters. I
tried to troubleshoot with the user by having him turn X2, V90, and finally
both protocols - but he said he didn't want to fool with his computer any

Any ways, I down graded to 3.7.2c3 and still waiting for him to call back.

Guess I'll stay with 3.7.2.c3 until a stable 3.8 is available. But I do
miss useing PPPdecoder and PMvision.


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