Re: (PM) (PM3) getting out probs

Josh Richards (
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 15:00:41 -0700 (PDT)

The routing table from the portmaster as well as what IP addresses are
assigned to what would be most helpful. Also, when you do a netstat and
are debugging network level problems I'd recommend using the -n switch to
turn off DNS resolving so that we can see the actual IP addresses in the


On 28 Jun 1998, Randy Norton wrote:

> having a problem getting the users to get out to the net. They can get out
> to our own web site but anyting outside is not working even though I ping
> out fine from the PM3. The nameserver is running fine. This just started
> last night I did reboot the portmaster 3 but that did not help the netstat
> listing is below in case someone sees somthing I dont. if you need more
> info let me know thanks need to get the users backup and running. This is
> the b13 pm3 so that should not be a problem and its been working fine
> untill now so I think its a local routing problem more than the portmaster
> itself.

Josh Richards - <> - <>
[Beta Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
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