Re: (PM) 56k V.90 on PM2 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 12:22:40 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time James Laszko shaped the electrons to say...
>I beg to differ MZ.... For people who already have an existing capital
>investment in legacy "analog" equipment, purchasing something like a Compaq
>4000 modem chassis with T1/56K capabilities is a lot more cost effective...

The Compaw costs thousands of dollars itself. For that you get:
-NO BACP (after all, no MP)
-LESSER SNMP SUPPORT (modem modules, etc)
-An async loop with associated support issues and bottleneck
-Larger unit - more power and heat

You come close to paying the cost of a PM-3, prices I've seen on a full rack
are around $7K. For that you keep the headaches of an async, non-integrated
setup, and miss out on features which are growing in demand, like MP.

If you absolutely cannot afford a PM-3, fine. But keep in mind lifetime
costs, and corners you will be backing yourself into. M$ is pushing MP in
Win98 - you will simply not be able to support that with your setup on a
PM-2. Period. Don't over-simplify things, it isn't good to ignore futures.

The PM-3 also holds up a lot better under load - more RAM, more CPU, never


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