(PM) PRI problems

Roger M. Black (rogerb@teleplex.net)
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 08:41:59 -0400

I'm running a PM3, version 3.7.2, with 2 PRIs. When any b channel of line0
is active, there are bipolar violations and CRC errors and I get complaints
about slow response and disconnects. Line1 seems to work perfectly, no runs
no drips no errors.

If I swap the PRIs, the problem moves. BellSouth (the networking wizkids)
has checked and claims there are no problems, it must be my equipment.

Any suggestions?


---------------------- line0 - T1 Primary Rate ISDN ---------------

Status: UP Framing: ESF Encoding: B8ZS PCM: u-law

Receive Level: -15dB to -22.5dB

Alarms Violations
----------------------------- -----------------------------
Blue 0 Bipolar 34774
Yellow 1 CRC Errors 32289
Receive Carrier Loss 0 Multiframe Sync 0
Loss of Sync 0

---------------------- line1 - T1 Primary Rate ISDN ---------------

Status: UP Framing: ESF Encoding: B8ZS PCM: u-law

Receive Level: +2dB to -7.5dB

Alarms Violations
----------------------------- -----------------------------
Blue 0 Bipolar 0
Yellow 1 CRC Errors 0
Receive Carrier Loss 0 Multiframe Sync 0
Loss of Sync 0

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