RE: (PM) PM2 with BRI cards (fwd)

Hewitt, Rod (
Mon, 29 Jun 1998 11:50:18 -0400

I have to agree with Jon - I've had lots of problems with ISDN BRIs on PM2s
and OR-Us since 3.7.2.

Here's what I had to deal with today:

1. PM2i at a customer's location with 5 BRIs (5 OR-Us on the other end).
Bell Atlantic installed a new BRI on Friday and this morning the router
wouldn't answer any calls. Dialing into their Unix box and then telnetting
into the PM2i showed all the lines as "NO SERVICE" and a "sh mem" showed 196
bytes of free memory. This was caused by the new BRI generating errors on
the D-channel.

A reboot fixed the problem and Bell Atlantic is going to fix the line (the B
channel is very unreliable as well). Lucent has asked that when this happens
that I call them and get someone to dial into the router, however, this
isn't practical since there were 70+ users at the remote locations wanting
to get onto the network.

2. My PM2ER with a BRI card here at the office got a bunch of errors (about
300) on one of the D-channels over the 6 or 7 weeks that it was up. Today,
that particular BRI went "NO SERVICE". Resetting D5/S10/S11 didn't fix the
problem, so the solution was to reboot the router.

The conclusion (and Jon has the same problem) is that if there is any crap
on the BRI, ComOS has a memory leak which will eventually kill the router.

I too have called Lucent many times about this problem and have got the
standard "when it happens, call us and we'll look at it". Since the routers
are at the customer's locations for them to use and not there to help Lucent
debug ComOS, this aint going to work - the customer expects the router to
work and the only recourse I have is to either find a way to telnet to the
router and reboot it or have the customer turn the thing off and back on.

While on a rant, Chad has "I wrote it, it's my fault." as his sig. So Chad,
when are we going to get DHCP proxy working properly in ComOS? I have posted
here numerous times requesting proper DHCP support, have sent email to many
people at Lucent, have talked to sales people at trade shows (both pre and
post the Lucent takeover) and written to the marketting people about this.
Never got a response.

MZ, may well assert that the lack of support for ComOS 3.7.2 on PM2s and
OR-Us is "100% bullshit", however, on these two issues, Lucent seems to
totally ignore us. I can see why Jon makes the assumption that these
products aren't supported....


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Lewis []
> Sent: Saturday, June 27, 1998 8:07 PM
> To: Chad Scott
> Cc: MegaZone; PortMaster Users
> Subject: Re: (PM) PM2 with BRI cards (fwd)
> On Sat, 27 Jun 1998, Chad Scott wrote:
> > Can you be more specific about the "ISDN bugs" you're referring to?
> > Support isn't psychic (although it seems that way to some
> of us) and they
> > can't just pull the correct answer out of thin air. You
> need to help the
> > support crew out as much as you can: run the box in debug
> mode and capture
> > the data until it fails or has its problem. Then call
> support and inform
> Did that months ago. I've still got 42mb of debug output I
> captured over
> multiple failure incidents back in January and February.
> Livingston was
> given the data. If they want me to capture more debug output, I'm
> perfectly willing to do so.
> > them that you've got debug information. Offer them a phone
> number they
> > can call to send a call to the box in question, and give them an IP
> > address and the !root password.
> Did that too. They even loaded special debugging versions of
> ComOS on the
> box. Nothing ever came of any of that though.
> > I don't think you need to escalate this yet. If you feel
> you do, then by
> > all means do so. However, I think if you follow my advice above and
> > really get some concrete information support can use you'll get a
> > solution.
> Ask Patty and Paul about ticket 51393. Are they still with
> the company?
> Should I be asking for someone else instead?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jon Lewis <> | Spammers will be winnuked or
> Network Administrator | drawn and quartered...whichever
> Florida Digital Turnpike | is more convenient.
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