Re: (PM) PM2 with BRI cards

Jon Lewis (
Fri, 26 Jun 1998 19:03:24 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 26 Jun 1998 wrote:

> We have found 3.5 much more reliable than 3.7 for the ISDN BRI stuff.
> (Bell Atlantic ISDN, which isn't reliable anyways)

3.5 was usable for BRI at our old office...but BellSouth seems to have
found new ways to hose ComOS, and at our new office both 3.5.1b17 and
3.7.2 have serious NO-SERVICE problems where D channels go away and won't
come back without manual intervention. Maybe I need to get and hack that
program Livingston distributed for resetting PM3 modems a while back.

AFAICT, PM2 ComOS is no longer supported. Phone calls and emails to
support have gone unanswered.

This should cause serious concern for people investing in PM3's. As soon
as / if the PM4 catches on, you're more support, no more OS
updates, no more bug fixes.

Jon Lewis <> | Spammers will be winnuked or
Network Administrator | drawn and quartered...whichever
Florida Digital Turnpike | is more convenient.
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