(PM) 3 easy steps to cratering your PM3 with b17 (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 17:22:05 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Chris J. Magnuson shaped the electrons to say...
>And if tech support had been able to tell me how to do this, since the
>Troubleshooting Guide wasn't helping, I would have done it. They didn't

UNfortunate - one of the things I was working on when I left Lucent
was the Troubleshooting Guide, In fact, I had just helped create this
very section - the bit on how to netboot, serial port load, etc. I
think it was right the last time I saw it - but then I left and I
wasn't around to review the later revisions. I know there was
confusion over this when it was being compiled, I'm sorry to here it
got missed in the later drafts. But I know the person who was doing
the manual, and she really worked hard on getting it all right. It is
pretty much inevitable that some small item will be missed in a large
project. I'm sorry it happened to be the one that impacted you.

I'm planning on requesting a copy of the manual - I do own an OR :-) -
so I'll check it out. As always, if anyone suspects an omission or an
error in any doc, let them know about it. Believe me, a lot of work
went into creating the TS Guide. It is always hardest to create a
manual for the first time. After that it is addition and revision for
the most part.

>It's already on the way back. Since tech support couldn't tell me, and the
>TG is wrong, maybe you could tell us how the serial port load would be
>carried out? That would be a big huge help :)

Ok, I just downloaded the PDF and looked at page 2-15. It is
basically correct except one gaff. Looks like some info from the tftp
section got reused by mistake. Everything looks correct on 2-15 and
2-16 EXCEPT that in step 5 there is a gaff. 5-a is ok, 5-b is ok -
excepting that the PM should be turned on BEFORE 5-b. Make 5-b into
5-d, and 5-b should be simply like 6-b "Turn on the PortMaster". And
5-c should be the same as 6-c. Well - I haven't done it in a while,
so obviously it should be tested before the manual is changed.

But you do need to do those steps. It just looks like 5-c is
something from tftp land - turn it on and it will try to find an
image. No, you need to manually start the download just as with UNIX.


<URL:mailto:megazone@megazone.org> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me..
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