Re: (PM) Anyone Having Good Luck w/b17

John W Baxter (
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 12:51:47 -0700

At 9:34 -0500 6/25/98, John Lange wrote:
>I hear all the horror stories about .b17. Is anyone having GOOD LUCK with
>this version???

The only problem so far is the Supra 28.8 I just posted (or else the rain
on the user's phone line)

I have yet to learn from our troubled Global Village 33.6 user whether
things are better for him.

My long distance calls to the POP where we're trying this (on the theory
that it can't cause more total problems than b15) produced good V.90 with a
USR V.90/X2 (non-Sportster) modem.

We'll probably install this in another POP, and *hope* not to have to roll
back in the one where it is. [We have enough analogs to move people to who
have trouble where we haven't yet put b17...not quite enough where we have
put it--that seems backwards, but the need was greater in the latter POP.]


John Baxter
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