Re: (PM) Traffic bottleneck? No DNS?

System Administration Staff (
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 08:16:28 -0500 (CDT)

I've noticed the same problem with 3.7.2c3, again only under high traffic
situations. These pm3's I'm referring to are new (<3 months old). Also,
since 90% (more?) of my dialup customers are running Win95, it's a safe
bet that the probs show up more often in Win95

In some informal experimentation, I noticed -
- the PPP negotiation works okay - user gets authed, IP address, DNS
servers, default route, etc.
- I can slip a small amount of data through initially; i.e. one ping
packet or one DNS lookup
- then the infamous "Waiting for reply. . ." on the user side, or
timed-out pings, etc.
- I can [almost] always still ping the pm3 directly, but nothing beyond
it. I'd believe it's a routing problem except 1) 1st packet(s)
transmitted ok, and 2) other users work with the same routing table and
the same dynamic IP's

This is _release_ software, not beta.

> Stephen Henry wrote:
> >
> > Martin,
> >
> > I suspect your problem is software, not hardware. Check your clients who
> > can 'connect but can't go anywhere' and see what software they are
> > running. I bet they are all Win95. Check their version numbers --> My
> > Computer --> Control Panel --> System. In the top right it says:
> >
> > System:
> > Microsoft Windows 95
> > 4.00.950 B
> >
> > ^ in this spot there will be an A or a B or nothing.
> > If it's A or nothing then the client needs to upgrade. To find out exactly
> > what's needed, check out:
> Thanks for this suggestion and offer of access your page. This problem
> doesn't seem to be with any particular Win 95 version. I get this
> problem sometimes and I am running Win98 4.10.1998. This problem is
> intermittent but seems to only occur with higher traffic loads.
> Tatsuya Kawasaki wrote:
> >If you think A pormaster is causing bottleneck. check memory usage of that portmaster try to connect to >another portmater to see the the problem still exists. try ping with IP address, this way, DNS is not used.
> Memory was upgraded to 4MB. This problem happens with either PM-2e.
> Sometimes (usually) you can only ping the ip address of the PM you are
> connected to and can't "go anywhere" via an ip address. Occasionally
> you can ping any ip and can "go somewhere" via an ip address. Another
> observation is when this problem is occurring repeatedly I can dial in
> via the USR Netserver and everything is OK.
> Al Hooper wrote:
> >
> >Have you checked the collision rates on your ethernet? Overall the traffic generated by your PortMasters is >not that high to cause any problems. Can you run snoop or something like that to see whats happening on your >network. Maybe one of you servers is generating a large amount of traffic on your LAN.
> >How many Class Cs are you routing? I can't determine what is being routed or what kind of routing load you >are generating without more details of your network. From your diagram is looks like its all on the
> >one Class C network?
> I am the tech that usually works with the users and I am trying to learn
> the network side of things fast and our network person is not available
> (other projects elsewhere). Therefore, I don't know how to check the
> collision rate or how to determine how many Class Cs we are routing. I
> will find out if you can tell what to look for.
> I am a fast learner. Can anyone recommend a source book or site to get
> up to speed fast on this subject?
> Thank you all for all the help and the FAST! answers (or more
> questions).
> Martin
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