(PM) windows 3.1 & PM3's (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Wed, 24 Jun 1998 18:59:58 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Hilconet Tech Support shaped the electrons to say...
>We just put our new pm3 running COMOS 3.7.2 online and everything is great,
>except for windows 3.1 customers using trumpet winsock with PAP, who cannot
>complete authentication.
>They get the login prompt and enter their username then get the password
>prompt and enter their password and then it starts a ppp session and
>displays a bunch of garbage characters on the trumpet winsock screen then it
>says lost carrier and disconnects.
>Any ideas what needs to be done to the pm3?

Nothing - what you describe is NORMAL as far as it goes. They are doing
dumb things with Trumpet.

1. They are NOT using PAP - if they are entering their username and password
at the prompts, that is NOT PAP. That is a manual login. Now, if they are
ALSO trying to use PAP - they'll never connect. You do ONE OR THE OTHER.
Either use PAP and stop the stupid manual login, or keep using the manual
login and disable PAP.

2. So, they've manually logged in. That 'garbage' IS PPP! They still have
the silly terminal window open. Trumpet DOES NOT automatically start PPP
if you do a manual login. They need to hit ESC to close the window and tell
Trumpet 'ok, do PPP now'.

The PM-3 is fine - this is an end-user wetware problem.


<URL:mailto:megazone@megazone.org> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me..
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