(PM) (ANNC) PMTools 4.0b2 open beta available for FTP

Carl Rigney ((no email))
Tue, 23 Jun 1998 17:32:10 -0700 (PDT)

(This is the last of the 3 open beta announcements for today:
ComOS 3.8b17
PMVision 1.2b4
PMTools 4.0b2
portmaster-announce will now return to its usual quiet state.)


PMTools 4.0b2 Open Beta Release Note


The PMTools are a group of programs which supplement specific
functionality of PMVision. These utilities are intended to be
incorporated into a user's suite of scripts for PortMaster management.


Description of PMTools
System Requirements
Installing the PMTools on UNIX Systems
Installing the PMTools on Win32 Systems
Limitations of the PMTools

Description of PMTools

pmbackup Backup a PortMaster configuration
pmcommand Send commands to PortMaster
pmdial Dial a location on a PortMaster
pmdumpfilter Dump the filters from a PortMaster
pmreset Reset a port on a PortMaster
pmupgrade Upgrade the ComOs on a PortMaster

The following describes the flags associated with each utility.
The "-h" and "-p" portions of the <Hostname> and <Password> arguments may
be omitted for backwards compatability if the <Username> is !root and if
specified as the first two arguments.


-h <Hostname> PortMaster address.
-p <Password> Password for the PortMaster.
-u <Username> Username for PortMaster, default is !root.
-version Displays the build version and date.
-help Displays a listing of flags and description of each.
-f <Filename> Name of file to store backup. If a file is not
specified, then the backup information is printed on


-h <Hostname> PortMaster address.
-p <Password> Password for the PortMaster.
-u <Username> Username for PortMaster, default is !root.
-version Displays the build version and date.
-help Displays a listing of flags and description of each.
-f <Filename> Name of file with listing of commands to send to the PortMaster.
-v Specifies verbose output, each command is echoed to stdout.
Can only be used in combination with the -f flag.
-nostop Specifies that errors caused by the commmands does not
stop execution of the rest of the commands. Can only be
used in combination with the -f flag.
-noreboot Specifies that reboot commands are ignored. Setting
this flag may cause commands to fail. Can only be used
in combination with the -f flag.
-prompt Specifies that reboots are prompted. If a reboot command
is encountered in the file, then pmcmmand will ask
the user if he wants to reboot the PortMaster. Can
only be used in combination with the -f flag.
"command" A command to be sent to the PortMaster. If running from
Windows, the command must be enclosed with quotes.

If neither a file or command is specified, pmcommand goes into
interactive mode where the user can type commands at a prompt.


-h <Hostname> PortMaster address.
-p <Password> Password for the PortMaster.
-u <Username> Username for PortMaster, default is !root.
-version Displays the build version and date.
-help Displays a listing of flags and description of each.
-t <Minutes> Specifies an idle timeout for the current session.
-v Specifies verbose output.
<Location> Name of the location to dial


-h <Hostname> PortMaster address.
-p <Password> Password for the PortMaster.
-u <Username> Username for PortMaster, default is !root.
-version Displays the build version and date.
-help Displays a listing of flags and description of each.
-toc Displays a listing of the filter names.
-filter "<Filterlist>" A comma separated list of filters to be dumped.
(for example "filter1,filter2"). If this flag is not
specified, all the filters are dumped.


-h <Hostname> PortMaster address.
-p <Password> Password for the PortMaster.
-u <Username> Username for PortMaster, default is !root.
-version Displays the build version and date.
-help Displays a listing of flags and description of each.
"<Ports>" Specifies ports to reset. A single port can be specified
("s1"), a comma separated list can be specified ("s1,s2"),
a range can be specified ("s1-s4"), or any combination


-h <Hostname> PortMaster address.
-p <Password> Password for the PortMaster.
-u <Username> Username for PortMaster, default is !root.
-version Displays the build version and date.
-help Displays a listing of flags and description of each.
-r Specifies that the PortMaster be rebooted after a
successful upgrade.
-f <Filename> Specifies the ComOS image file.
-at "mon/day/year hour:min AM/PM" : Specifies the time at which the
PortMaster will be upgraded. If this argument is
present it must come after any other arguments.

System Requirements

The PMTools are written in Java and run on any platform that supports
Java Development Kit (JDK) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.1.4 or
higher. JDK 1.1.4 or JRE 1.1.4 or a higher release is available for
the following platforms and operating systems:

Windows NT 4.0 http://www.javasoft.com/products/jdk/1.1/
Windows 95 http://www.javasoft.com/products/jdk/1.1/
Solaris 2.5.1 http://www.javasoft.com/products/jdk/1.1/
Solaris x86 2.5.1 http://www.javasoft.com/products/jdk/1.1/
Linux 2.x ftp://lagrange.la.asu.edu/pub/Linux_jdk/
FreeBSD http://www.freebsd.org/java/
SGI Irix 6.3 http://www.sgi.com/Products/DevMagic/products/java.html
HP/UX 10.02 http://www.hp.com/esy/go/java.html
DEC Alpha 4.0 http://www.digital.com/java/download/
IBM AIX 4.1 http://www.ibm.com/java/tools/jdk.html
Other Platforms http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/java-ports.cgi

Installing the PMTools

1. Download the following file from the Lucent Remote Access FTP site as

ftp ftp.livingston.com
cd pub/le/software/java
get pmtools40b2_solaris.tar (for Solaris)
get pmtools40b2_unix.tar (for other UNIX systems)
get pmtools40b2.zip (for Windows)

2. For the UNIX systems, in the .cshrc file, define the path for

For example: If you install jre1.1.4 in the /usr/local/lib directory,
then the .cshrc file should have the following entry:

set path=( /usr/local/lib/jre1.1.4/bin $path )

Installing JRE 1.1.5 sets the correct values for PATH and CLASSPATH on
both Windows NT and Windows 95.

For JRE or JDK 1.1.4 on Windows 95, edit c:\autoexec.bat and add


where <JAVADIR> is the location where the Java runtime environment was
installed. Note that if the JDK is installed instead of the JRE the
scripts need to be edited.

For Windows NT 4.0, define the path for jre1.1.4 in the System
Environment as follows:

a. Open the Control Panel
b. Click on the System icon
c. Click on the Environment

On the display window, highlight and click on the line with the
word Path, enter the installation path of the JDK or JRE on
the Value window, and click on the Set button.

Typically, the JDK or JRE is intalled on C:\jdk1.1.4 or C:\jre1.1.4.
Therefore, the correct path for JDK and JRE in this case would be
C:\jdk1.1.4\bin or C:\jre1.1.4\bin.

3. Running the installation.

For Solaris users, on the command line, enter the following command:

tar xvf pmtools40b2_solaris.tar

For other UNIX users, on the command line, enter the following command:

tar xvf pmtools40b2_unix.tar
jre -cp pmvision_install.zip install

For Windows users, unzip the pmtools40b2.zip file and run the
pmtools_install.exe program.

Follow the instructions of the installation.

4. Running the tools.

For Solaris and other UNIX users, the installation creates a set
of shell scripts to run the PMTools. Make sure that the executable
bit is set for each of these scripts; for example "chmod +x pmcommand".

For Windows users, the installation creates a set of batch files to
run the PMTools. If you are referencing these batch files in any
other scripts, make sure that you use the CALL command. For example:

The file version.bat:

CALL pmcommand -h xxxxx -p xxxxxx "version"

Limitations in PMTools 4.0b2


On a PortMaster with a ComOS release earlier than 3.8, the following
backup commands are incorrectly generated:

set call-check off
set arp-proxy enable
set reported-ip
set C0 dtr_idle on


On a PortMaster with ComOS release earlier than 3.8, the following
commands from a backup file get sent to the PortMaster and generate errors.

set call-check off
set arp-proxy enable
set reported-ip
set C0 dtr_idle on

The errors do not affect the rest of the commands or the PortMaster and
can be ignored.

On Windows systems, if the <Command> is more than one word, it needs
to be enclosed in double quotes. For example, "show table locations".


On Windows systems, the -at flag needs to have the time enclosed in
double quotes, for example: -at "4/30/98 10:00 AM".


Copyright and Trademarks

Copyright 1998 Lucent Technologies. All rights reserved.

PortMaster, ComOS, and ChoiceNet are registered trademarks of Lucent
Technologies, Inc. RADIUS ABM, PMVision, PMconsole, and IRX are
trademarks of Lucent Technologies, Inc. ProVision is a service mark of
Lucent Technologies, Inc. All other marks are the property of their
respective owners.


Lucent Technologies, Inc. makes no representations or warranties
with respect to the contents or use of this publication, and specifically
disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or
fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Lucent Technologies,
Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes
to its content, any time, without obligation to notify any person or
entity of such revisions or changes.

Contacting Lucent Remote Access Technical Support

Lucent Technologies Remote Access Business Unit (previously Livingston
Enterprises) provides technical support via voice, fax, electronic
mail, or through the World Wide Web at http://www.livingston.com/.

Internet service providers (ISPs) and other end users in Europe, the
Middle East, Africa, India, and Pakistan should contact their
authorized Lucent Remote Access sales channel partner for technical
support; see http://www.livingston.com/International/EMEA/distributors.html.

For North and South America and Asia Pacific customers, technical
support is available Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. U.S.
Pacific Time (GMT -8). Dial 1-800-458-9966 within the United States
(including Alaska and Hawaii), Canada, and the Caribbean, or
1-925-737-2100 from elsewhere, for voice support. Otherwise, fax to
1-925-737-2110, or send email to support@livingston.com
(asia-support@livingston.com for Asia Pacific customers).
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