(PM) (ANNC) ComOS 3.8b17 open beta available for PortMaster-3

Carl Rigney ((no email))
Tue, 23 Jun 1998 17:22:03 -0700 (PDT)


_______________________ ComOS 3.8b17 Open Beta Release Note

________________ Introduction

The new Lucent Remote Access (formerly Livingston Enterprises)
ComOS(R) 3.8b17 beta software release is now available in open beta for
the PortMaster(R) 3 Integrated Access Server. This release note
applies only to the PortMaster 3. This open beta release is provided
at no charge to all Lucent customers.

This release note documents commands and features added between ComOS
release 3.7.2 and 3.8b17 on the PortMaster 3.

This open beta release is recommended only for customers who wish to
test the new functionality before the FCS release of ComOS 3.8,
particularly for V.90 dial-in.

ComOS 3.8 will be the last release supporting the old "True Digital
V.34 Cards." Starting with ComOS 3.9, only the "True Digital 56K
Cards" will be supported.

WARNING! Dial-out location scripts are not supported in this beta
release. Do not use this release if you use scripts in dial-out
locations. Since dial-out SLIP requires a script, dial-out SLIP is
not supported in this beta release.

See "Limitations" for more information before upgrading.

You must use PMconsole(TM) 3.5.3 or PMVision(TM) when upgrading to
ComOS 3.8b17; see "Upgrade Instructions" below. If you are running
Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, you must use PMconsole for
Windows or PMVision. Read "Upgrade Instructions" thoroughly
before upgrading. Use PMVision 1.2b4 or later when configuring ComOS

_______________ Contents

Bugs Fixed in ComOS 3.8b17
New Features in ComOS 3.8b17
V.90 Support
T1 Card Support
R2 Signal Support
X.75 Support for European ISDN
Fractional ISDN
Asynchronous Multilink PPP via Modem Connection
Multilink PPP Packets No Longer Fragment for NEC Aterm
IPXCP Support
Longer Filters
Alternate RADIUS and ChoiceNet Ports
RADIUS Authentication before Call Acceptance on PRI (Call Check)
RADIUS Class Support
Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (BACP) Support
Ethernet Subinterfaces
OSPF Support over PPP Dialup
New Command "show route to-dest <Ipaddress>"
SNMP Modem Table
SNMP Traps and Alarm Management
Detailed Ptrace
PMVision Support
Command Line Context-Sensitive Help
Updated Help
Lastcall Command
Reset Modem Command
"show M0" Command Displays Card Type
How to Use RADIUS Call Check
R2 Signal Configuration
T1 Card Configuration
Fractional T1 Configuration
T1 Configuration
Frame Relay Configuration
Point-to-Point Configuration
LED Indication
Troubleshooting the T1 Card
Limitations of the T1 Card
Limitations in ComOS 3.8b17
No Dial-Out with Location Scripts
No V.22 on V.34 Card
Downgrading to ComOS 3.5 Loses Ether0 IP Address
"Bad PPP Address" Error Message
Fractional T1 Requires Channel Group
Upgrade Instructions

_______________ Bugs Fixed in ComOS 3.8b17

The following bugs are fixed in ComOS open beta release 3.8b17:

* Multichassis PPP now works for multiple sessions; it did not in ComOS

* The forward slash (/) character is now permitted in usernames in the
location table, usable with both PAP and CHAP.

* RADIUS State attributes containing the NUL character in
access-challenges are no longer truncated at the NUL when returned in
the next access-request.

* The PortMaster 3 now supports odd or even parity and 7 or 8 data bits
on the "True Digital 56K Card".

* X.75 now handles a 2048-byte block size.

* Statistics for the T1 card now update every second instead of every 10

* Dial-in SLIP connections now work.

* The call check feature is now supported for analog and ISDN.

* RADIUS access-requests for analog Call Check now properly list the
NAS-Port-Type as Analog, instead of ISDN.

* When ChoiceNet(R) downloads a filter into the PortMaster, it no longer
generates a RADIUS Administrative-User start and stop record. However,
PMconsole logins by PMconsole, PMVision or pmcommand still generate
RADIUS Administrative-User records, if RADIUS accounting is turned on.

* Session timeouts, idle timeouts, and port limits are no longer being
set to invalid numbers.

* The PortMaster no longer generates a RADIUS accounting start record
when a user with a Port-Limit of 1 tries to bring up a second B

* Channelized T1 no longer reports a 50Kbps connection when client
reports 48Kbps.

* SNMP now reports V.90 connection speeds correctly.

* V.90 interoperability is improved.

* V.34 support in the "True Digital 56K Card" is improved.

* A problem with the assigned pool is fixed. In previous releases, if
you were using assigned pool addresses for both IP and IPX, the
PortMaster freed the address twice, resulting in duplicate addresses
being assigned.

* Choosing rlogin from a RADIUS menu and then exiting from the host no
longer causes the PortMaster to print "Invalid login" and return to the
login: prompt instead of the menu. This is a bug introduced in ComOS
3.7 and fixed in ComOS 3.8b17.

* Usernames in the local User Table only compare the first 8 characters
to the username provided by a user logging in. Before ComOS 3.8 the
command line interface allowed an administrator to create a username
longer than 8 characters in the local User Table, but only compared the
first 8 characters to the first 8 characters of the username entered by
a user. Starting in ComOS 3.8b13 the command line interface limits
usernames to a maximum of 8 characters, and the PortMaster compared the
entire username to the entire username entered by the user, which
caused existing usernames longer than 8 characters to fail. Starting
in ComOS 3.8b17 the first 8 characters of the username in the local
User Table are matched against the first 8 characters of the username
entered by the user. Use RADIUS for authentication if usernames longer
than 8 characters are desired,


The following bugs are fixed in ComOS open beta release 3.8b17, and
were fixed in ComOS 3.8b15 as well:

* Stac LZS compression in conjunction with Multichassis PPP (MCPPP) no
longer causes netbuf loss leading to the PortMaster 3 hanging.

* The PortMaster 3 no longer gets stuck sending and receiving
compression to resynchronize the compressor and the decompressor.

* A bug in ComOS 3.8b13 prevented Frame Relay over the T1 card from
performing LMI or Annex-D. This is now fixed.

* In ComOS 3.8b13, "save all" did not save the DLCI list when you were
using Frame Relay with the T1 card. This problem is fixed in ComOS
3.8b15 and later.

* If you receive cause code 17 (User Busy) after entering an "atdt"
command attached to a port, the message "BUSY" now appears instead of
the misleading "NO CARRIER" message displayed by previous releases.

* V.8bis tone has been improved. The volume of the V.8bis tone has been
lowered, to allow some of the older 14.4Kbps modems to connect more

* A problem that caused modems to become stuck in the TEST state has been
fixed. In previous releases, this problem caused "dead air" (a
user would dial in and receive no tones) on u-law circuits (such as in
the United States), and caused "Ring No Answer" on a-law circuits.

* The problem of "show all" reporting the wrong connection speed has been
fixed. In previous releases, a "show all" might show the speed "64000"
or "56000" depending on how the port was configured for ISDN, instead
of the speed the user had connected at.


The following bugs are fixed in ComOS open beta release 3.8b17, and
were fixed in ComOS 3.8b13 as well:

* Dial-out locations using PPP sometimes failed to connect to remote
systems, and "show session" reported direction as "IN" before
disconnecting. This problem is fixed.

* Previously, an upgrade could create a null Ethernet incoming route
filter, and filter out all inbound Ethernet traffic. This problem is

* Previously, data over voice calls incremented the total number of
calls on a modem but did not increment the total connects, making the
statistics invalid. This has been fixed. Data over voice calls no
longer increment the total number of calls on a modem.


The following bugs were fixed in ComOS interim release 3.7.2c3 and are
fixed in ComOS open beta release 3.8b17 as well:

* During system startup, the Stac LZS compression card on the
PortMaster 3 sometimes failed to initialize. This problem is now
fixed. This release is recommended for any PortMaster 3 using the Stac
compression card.

* When Redhat Linux incorrectly sends out-of-window TCP data on a Telnet
or rlogin session from the PortMaster, the PortMaster was temporarily
reporting a large window size that was confusing Linux. The
PortMaster now properly advertises a window size of zero (0) until the
TCP window is emptied, for better interoperability with versions of
Linux that have this problem.

* Previously, when the ISDN device driver ran out of receive buffers, an
error condition occurred that caused an immediate system reboot. This
symptom was reported as "random reboots" and generally sent the console
message "munich_next_rd: NO BLOCKS" just before the PortMaster
rebooted. Running out of receive buffers is now properly handled, and
no longer causes a reboot.

* The modem code for the "True Digital 56K Card" has been improved.
- A software condition that caused the modem to not generate initial
modem tones during the answer sequence has been fixed.
- Interoperability problems with several V.34 modems have been fixed.
The occasional failure to properly complete self-test has been fixed.
- A problem that caused many rate renegotiations, and which sometimes
resulted in disconnection, has been fixed.

* A "No Tone" problem has been fixed. Previously, dial-in users were
sometimes inappropriately disconnected during port cleanup. The
message "m_comio_save != NULL" appeared on the console to identify the
problem. For example, suppose a user connected to port S0 allocated
modem (DSP) M0, but then disconnected at the same time another user
dialed in on S1. Because the modem was already back in the ready
state, S1 allocated M0. However, when S0 ran its cleanup process, it
reinitialized M0 and disconnected the user on S1 before he heard any

* If M0 is active when "set M0 on" is entered on the command line, the
modem used to suspend service for a minute or two. This problem is fixed.

* The LAPM code in the modems has been improved with regard to the LAPM
timer and the Echo Canceller training.

_______________ New Features in ComOS 3.8b17

The following commands and features have been added in ComOS 3.8b17.

V.90 Support

V.90 is now supported for Lucent and 3Com chipset client modems dialing
in. V.90 with Rockwell chipset client modems is not supported in this
beta release, but K56flex with Rockwell chipset client modems is still
supported. Rockwell K56flex/V.90 modems should connect using K56flex.
Configure Rockwell V.90-only modems with "at+a8e=,,,0&w" to disable
V.8bis when dialing into a PortMaster 3 running this release.

V.90 is supported for a-law and u-law in this release.

V.90 is not supported for dial-out in this beta release.

The maximum analog dial-out speed is 33600bps for V.34, K56flex, and V.90.

T1 Card Support

The PortMaster 3 T1 card (PM3-SYNC-T1) is now supported; see "T1 Card
Configuration" below for more information.

R2 Signal Support

R2 signaling is now supported for certain countries. See "R2 Signal
Configuration" below for more information.

X.75 Support for European ISDN

X.75 is now supported for European ISDN.

Fractional ISDN

PortMaster 3 line0 and line1 can be configured for fractional ISDN
service, where supported by the telephone company.

set <Line0> isdn-fractional
set group <Number> channel <Channel-list>
save all

You can configure as many groups as needed. Group 1 is used for ISDN.
The D channel is assumed to be in its regular time slot, and should not be
listed as part of any channel group. Other groups can be defined for use as
fractional T1 PPP or Frame-Relay.


Command> set line0 isdn-fractional
line0 changed to isdn-fractional E1
Command> set line0 group 1 channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
line0 channel list for group 1 changed
Command> show line0
---------------------- line0 - E1 ISDN-Fractional ---------------

Status: UP Framing: ESF Encoding: B8ZS PCM: a-law

Group Speed Channels
----- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------
1 ISDN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Receive Level: +2dB to -7.5dB

Alarms Violations
----------------------------- -----------------------------
Blue 0 Bipolar 0
Yellow 0 CRC Errors 0
Receive Carrier Loss 0 Multiframe Sync 0
Loss of Sync 0

Asynchronous Multilink PPP via Modem Connection

The PortMaster 3 now supports Multilink PPP (MP) connections per RFC
1717 over asynchronous PPP dialup connections.

Multilink PPP Packets No Longer Fragment for NEC Aterm

Because the NEC Aterm ISDN terminal adapter (TA) does not accept
fragmented Multilink PPP (MP) packets, ComOS now detects this during
negotiation and sends only nonfragmented frames.

IPXCP Support

IPXCP negotiation is now supported in addition to IPXWAN negotiation,
on PPP connections. Novell uses IPXWAN, but Microsoft still uses IPXCP.

The PortMaster tries IPXCP first, and if the remote device does not
allow network number negotiation in IPXCP, then the PortMaster tries
IPXWAN. If the network number is successfully negotiated via IPXCP,
then IPXWAN negotiation is skipped.

Longer Filters

The PortMaster 3 now supports a maximum of 256 filter rules per
filter. An error message is generated when the number of filter rules
exceeds the limit.

Alternate RADIUS and ChoiceNet Ports

The UDP port to send RADIUS authentication, RADIUS accounting, and
ChoiceNet requests is now configurable. Different ports can be
specified for the primary and secondary servers.

set authentic <Ipaddress> [<Port>]
set alternate <Ipaddress> [<Port>]
set accounting [2] <Ipaddress> [<Port>]
set choicenet [2] <Ipaddress> [<Port>]

The <Port> value is optional, and if not specified defaults to 1645 for
RADIUS, 1646 for RADIUS accounting, and 1647 for ChoiceNet, the same as
in previous releases. A value of 0 is treated as the default.

If you are using the Lucent Remote Access RADIUS server, use the -p flag to
specify the UDP port for listening for RADIUS authentication requests.
The server listens for RADIUS accounting requests on the next higher port.

The ChoiceNet server, filterd, uses the -p flag to specify the UDP port
for listening for ChoiceNet requests. The default is port 1647.

RADIUS Authentication before Call Acceptance on PRI (Call Check)

After receiving the command "set call-check on", the PortMaster 3 sends
a RADIUS access-request for any incoming call before accepting the
call. The PortMaster 3 expects to receive one of the following
replies: 1) a RADIUS access-accept to accept the call and connect the
user via a netdata connection to a given host and TCP port, 2) a RADIUS
access-accept to accept the call and perform the usual RADIUS
authentication, or 3) a RADIUS access-reject to reject the call.

set call-check on | off

This command enables or disables the call-check feature.

If call-check is enabled, the "show global" command displays the
words "(Call Check Enabled)" after the ISDN switch type.

If call-check is enabled but no RADIUS support is configured, all
dial-in users receive either a busy condition or dead air.

The dictionary on the RADIUS server must be modified to include this

VALUE Service-Type Call-Check 10

NOTE: This value has changed from ComOS 3.8b15 (which called it
Call-Check-User at value 129).

For more information, see "How to Use RADIUS Call Check" below.

RADIUS Class Support

A RADIUS access-accept packet can now return Class (attribute 25, a
string). The PortMaster then sends the unmodified Class attribute
in the accounting-request packets for that session. To use Class
with RADIUS server 1.16, 2.0, or 2.0.1, update the dictionary to
include the following line:

ATTRIBUTE Class 25 string

Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (BACP) Support

BACP has been implemented in accordance with RFC 2125.

Because BACP and the Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (BAP) are both
negotiated protocols, no special commands are needed to turn them on.
The only requirement for use of BAP and BACP is setting directory
numbers on all the serial ports so that the PortMaster can offer a second
number to the client dialing in. Use the following command to set a
directory number:

set <S10> directory <Number>

Replace <S10> with an ISDN port and <Number> with the access telephone
number for that port.


Command> set s0 directory 5105551234

BACP supports local exchange telephone numbers.

If a long-distance BACP user is configured to dial a local exchange
telephone number, the PortMaster now checks the Called-Station-Id when
a second channel is requested. In this configuration the directory
numbers should not be set.

Ethernet Subinterfaces

Multiple logical Ethernet interfaces are now allowed on one Ethernet port,
for situations that require them.

The MAC address and packet filters for subinterfaces is the same as for
the primary interface. IPX, RIP, OSPF, and route filters are not
supported on the subinterfaces.


add subinterface <Name>
delete subinterface <Name>
show table subinterface
set subinterface <Name> port <Ether0>
set subinterface <Name> address <Ipaddress> | <Ipaddress>/<NM>
set subinterface <Name> netmask <Netmask>
set subinterface <Name> broadcast high | low

add subinterface <Name>

This command adds a subinterface entry to the subinterface table. The
<Name> is used to reference the subinterface configuration in the
subinterface table, and has a maximum length of 11 characters.
It is not the name of the interface or the port the subinterface is
associated with.

Command> add subinterface enet2
New subinterface enet2 successfully added

delete subinterface <Name>

This command removes a subinterface entry from the table.

show table subinterface

This command displays the subinterface table.

Command> show subinterface
Subinterface Interface Addr Netmask Broadcast Addr Port Name
------------ ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------
enet2 ether0

set subinterface <Name> port <Ether0>

This command associates the subinterface configuration with a physical port.

Command> set subinterface enet2 port ether0
enet2 changed from to ether0

set subinterface <Name> address <Ipaddress> | <Ipaddress>/<NM>

This command sets the IP address or an IP address and netmask for the
subinterface configuration.

Command> set subinterface enet2 address
enet2 changed from to

Command> set subinterface enet2 address
enet2 changed from to

set subinterface <Name> netmask <Netmask>

This command sets the netmask in dotted decimal notation for the
subinterface configuration. This command is not needed if you set the
netmask using the classless interdomain routing (CIDR) notation (/xx)
in the "set subinterface address" command.

Command> set subinterface enet2 netmask
enet2 netmask changed from to

set subinterface <Name> broadcast high | low

This command sets the broadcast address for the subinterface.

Command> set subinterface enet2 broadcast high
enet2 broadcast address changed from low to high


The new subinterface is displayed in the "ifconfig" output. The interface
name is system generated.

Command> ifconfig
inet netmask fffffff0 broadcast
area ospf-state DROTHER mtu 1500
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast mtu 1500

OSPF Support over PPP Dialup

OSPF support has been added to locations and network user profiles, for
use only as dialup backup to leased lines or Frame Relay. OSPF is now
supported on Frame Relay subinterfaces as well.


Netuser OSPF commands:

set netuser <Name> ospf on|off
set netuser <Name> ospf cost <1-65535>
set netuser <Name> ospf hello-interval <10-120>
set netuser <Name> ospf dead-time <40-1200>
set netuser <Name> ospf point-to-multipoint | nbma | wan-as-stub-ptmp
set netuser <Name> accept-rip on | off
set netuser <Name> route-filter in | out <Filtername>


Command> set netuser test ospf on
Username: test Type: Dial-in Network User
Address: Negotiated Netmask:
Protocol: PPP Options: Quiet, Compression
MTU: 1500 Async Map: 00000000
Port Limit: 30 Idle Timeout: 0 minutes
OSPF: on
OSPF accept-rip: off
OSPF cost: 1
OSPF Hello Int: 10
OSPF Dead Time: 40
OSPF(WAN Type): nbma

Location OSPF commands:

set location <Name> ospf on|off
set location <Name> ospf cost <1-65535>
set location <Name> ospf hello-interval <10-120>
set location <Name> ospf dead-time <40-1200>
set location <Name> ospf point-to-multipoint | nbma | wan-as-stub-ptmp
set location <Name> accept-rip on | off
set location <Name> route-filter in | out <Filtername>

Command> show location test
Location: test Type: Manual
Destination: Negotiated Netmask:
Protocol: PPP Options: Quiet, VJ-Comp, Analog
Group: 1 Max Ports: 1
Idle Timeout: 0 minutes High Mark: 0 bytes
Mtu: 1500 Async Map: 00000000
Username: test1 Password: test1
Telephone: 5551212

OSPF: on
OSPF accept-rip: on
OSPF cost: 1
OSPF Hello Int: 10
OSPF Dead Time: 40
OSPF(WAN Type): nbma

New Command "show route to-dest <Ipaddress>"

This command shows the route in the routing table that is used to
forward an IP packet with a destination address of Ipaddress. This
command is useful for debugging routing problems.

show route to-dest <Ipaddress>


The "show routes" command shows the complete routing table for this PortMaster:

Command> show routes
Destination Mask Gateway Source Flag Met Interface
----------------- ---- -------------------- ------- ---- --- --------- 0 local NS 1 ether0 27 rip ND 2 ether0 27 rip ND 3 ether0 27 local NL 1 ether0 24 rip ND 2 ether0 8 rip ND 3 ether0

Use "show route to-dest" to look for the particular route in the
routing table that would forward an IP packet with a destination
address of

Command> show route to-dest
Destination Mask Gateway Source Flag Met Interface
----------------- ---- -------------------- ------- ---- --- --------- 27 rip ND 2 ether0

The displayed route above is a network route with a 27-bit subnet
mask. The route covers IP addresses through The PortMaster displayed this route because is a member of this subnet.

In the following example, the default route is the route used to
forward the packet:

Command> show route to-dest
Destination Mask Gateway Source Flag Met Interface
----------------- ---- -------------------- ------- ---- --- --------- 0 local NS 1 ether0

SNMP Modem Table

Support is included for a new SNMP MIB to display the information seen
from the "show modem" command. The MIB is available from
ftp://ftp.livingston.com/pub/le/snmp/le38.mib .

SNMP Traps and Alarm Management

A trap is a notification of an event. An alarm is an instance of a
trap. If SNMP is on and a reader is specified, the reader gets traps
for PRI, modem, channelized T1, and T1 card failures. The MIB for the
traps is available from ftp://ftp.livingston.com/pub/le/snmp/le38trap.mib .

NOTE: The 8-modem "True Digital V.34 Card" will generate an alarm for
the 9th and 10th modems that do not exist. This alarm can be ignored.

show alarms [<Alarm-id>]
clear alarms all | <Alarm-id>


Command> show alarms
Alarm Id Age Severity Alarm Message
-------- ------ --------- ------------------------------------------
4763864 19:11 0 T1 line(0) down
4764168 19:09 0 Modem failure: card(0) modem(8)
4772816 19:09 0 Modem failure: card(0) modem(9)

Command> show alarm 4763864
------------------------ Alarm Details --------------------------
Alarm Id: 4763864 Alarm Message: T1 line(0) down
Age in minutes: 19:11 Alarm repeated: 1 times
Severity: 0 Reported: SNMP

Command> clear alarm 4763864
Command> show alarm
Alarm Id Age Severity Alarm Message
-------- ------ --------- ------------------------------------------
4764168 19:11 0 Modem failure: card(0) modem(8)
4772816 19:11 0 Modem failure: card(0) modem(9)

Command> clear alarm all
Command> show alarm
Alarm Id Age Severity Alarm Message
-------- ------ --------- ------------------------------------------

The "show alarms" command displays a list of each trap that occurred,
except that each recurring trap is summarized and identified by an
asterisk (*). This handling of duplicates is similar to a recurring
message in syslog. For now, "Reported" is always SNMP and "Severity"
is always 0.

Detailed Ptrace

A detailed version of ptrace now displays the Ethernet frame for any
packet matching the filter specified with the ptrace command. This
command does not work with PPP or Frame Relay packets, and can display
garbage after the end of the packet for UDP packets.

ptrace <Filtername> dump <0-1514>

Command> add filter u
New Filter successfully added
Command> set filter u 1 permit udp
Filter u updated
Command> ptrace u dump 128
Packet Tracing Enabled
IN ether0 UDP from to
ffffffff ffff00c0 05001228 08004500 005c0db9 0000ff11 0000ac10 6e04ac10
6e000208 02080048 2b580201 00000002 0000ac10 6e400000 00000000 00000000
00010002 0000c0a8 37000000 00000000 00000000 00020002 0000c0a8 0a000000
00000000 00000000 0002c392 e5e50000 00000000 00000000 00000000 04813200
IN ether0 UDP from to
ffffffff ffff00c0 05031d8a 08004500 0034416e 0000ff11 0000ac10 6e09ac10
6e1f0208 02080020 ed5d0201 00000002 0000ac10 6ec00000 00000000 00000000
00018d45 fe356330 61382030 61303030 30303020 30303030
IN ether0 UDP from to
ffffffff ffff00c0 050028ce 08004500 007022b0 0000ff11 0000ac10 6e05ac10
6e1f0208 0208005c dfd10201 00000002 0000ac10 6e600000 00000000 00000000
00020002 0000ac10 6ee80000 00000000 00000000 00010002 0000ac10 6ee00000
00000000 00000000 00010002 0000ac10 6e500000 00000000 00000000 0002ce43
Command> ptrace
Packet Tracing Disabled

PMVision Support

ComOS 3.8b17 supports PMVision, the new Java graphical user interface
to ComOS. PMVision is currently in open beta release 1.2b4.

Command Line Context-Sensitive Help

The command line parser has been improved, and the help system has been
updated and improved. Context-sensitive help is now available; you can
enter a question mark (?) at any point on the command line and press
Return to get a list of the keywords or values that can be entered at
that point. Keywords use capitals to indicate the shortest permitted
abbreviation. The "!!" command now repeats the last command (except
for any "?" in it), and you can add additional information to complete
the command.


Command> set snmp ?
ON OFf Readcommunity Writecommunity
Command> !! readcommunity ?
set snmp readcommunity ?
string256 NONE <CR>
Command> !! public
set snmp readcommunity public
SNMP read community changed to: public

Updated Help

Online help from the "help" command has been updated to include all
current commands.


Command> help
add - Add entry to table ptrace - Trace packet traffic
attach - Connect direct to port quit|exit - Quit Console
delete - Remove entry from table reboot - Restart the system
dial - dial to a location reset - Reset session/port
erase - Erase element of FLASH rlogin - Establish rlogin session
help - list available commands save - Save current config
ifconfig - View/configure interface set - Set configuration
ip|ipx - Sets the environment show - Show configuration
max pmconsole - PMconsole session limit# telnet - Establish Telnet session
tftp - Transfer file from host ping - Send ICMP packet to Dest
traceroute - Use ICMP to detect route pmlogin - Establish PMD session
version - Display ComOS version !! - Repeat last command

Use "help [command]" for more ...

Lastcall Command

This command is now available for both the "True Digital V.34 Card" and
"True Digital 56K Card". It was available only for the 56K card in ComOS

Use this command when you want to hot-swap a modem card without
disconnecting users. If the modem m0 is active, you can enter the
command "set m0 lastcall" to force the modem into ADMIN mode as soon as
the user logs out. If no user is logged in on the modem when the
command is given, the modem immediately enters the ADMIN state.

Because this ADMIN mode is not saved, a reboot returns the modem to
normal operation. The "set m0 on" command returns the modem to normal
operation without affecting the current user.

The modem status displayed by the "show M0" and "show modems" commands
is ACT(LC) instead of ACTIVE, to show that the modem status is Active
(Last Call), until the current user logs out.

If circuits are available to the PortMaster 3 but no modems are
available, the PortMaster 3 sends a User Busy signal back to the
telephone company when another call comes in; as a result, the user
receives a busy signal instead of being forwarded to the next line in
the hunt group. To prevent this behavior, the telephone company might
be able to configure the line for "forward when busy."

Reset Modem Command

The "reset M0" command has been added, to reset the modem and reload
its DSP code. The "set M0 on" command performs the same functions and
places the modem in READY state.

"show M0" Command Displays Card Type

The "show M0" command now displays the card type -- either
"ADI Chipset" for the "True Digital V.34 Card" or "Lucent Chipset" for
the "True Digital 56K Card".

If the card type is Lucent Chipset, "show M0" does not provide
"Connection Failures" information.

_______________ How to Use RADIUS Call Check

After receiving the command "set call-check on", the PortMaster 3 sends
a RADIUS access-request for any incoming call before accepting the
call. The PortMaster 3 expects to receive one of the following
replies: 1) a RADIUS access-accept with attributes, to accept the call
and provide the indicates service (such as connecting the user via a
netdata connection to a given host and TCP port), 2) a RADIUS
access-accept with no attributes to accept the call and perform the
usual RADIUS authentication, or 3) a RADIUS access-reject to reject the

set call-check on | off

This command enables or disables the call check feature.

If call check is enabled, the "show global" command displays the
words "(Call Check Enabled)" after the ISDN switch type.

If call-check is enabled but no RADIUS support is configured, all
dial-in users receive either a busy condition or dead air.

The dictionary on the RADIUS server must be modified to include this

VALUE Service-Type Call-Check 10

NOTE: This value has changed from ComOS 3.8b15 (which called it
Call-Check-User at value 129).

Call check is available on the PortMaster 3 to allow an ISP to check
the telephone number before answering the call. Typical applications
might be to hang up and call the user back with no charge incurred for
connecting the user in the first place, or to limit the number of
people who can call a given number. (Both require changes to the
RADIUS server as well.) Call check also allows the redirection of a
call to support virtual POPs. If a customer calls one number, you
authenticate normally; if he calls a different number, you accept the
call but forward all data through a netdata (TCP clear) connection to
an IP address and port of your choosing, where some other process
handles the user.

The PortMaster sends an access-request packet to the RADIUS Server with
a User-Name set to be the Calling-Station-Id, a Service-Type of
Call-Check, and all the usual information, except that no User-Password
or CHAP-Password is included in the packet, because the call has not
been accepted yet, and the user has provided no login and password.
The following three examples show possible user entries:

# send back an access-accept to ask for login & password for this user
# he will need a usual user entry as well
9255551112 Service-Type = Call-Check, Calling-Station-Id = "9255551112", Called-Station-Id = "5553333"

fred Auth-Type = System
Service-Type = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,

# Do not accept calls from this phone number.
9255551113 Service-Type = Call-Check, Calling-Station-Id = "9255551113", Auth-Type = Reject

# Redirect calls to 5552222 to host via netdata.
DEFAULT Service-Type = Call-Check, Calling-Station-Id = "9255551111", Called-Station-Id = "5552222"
Service-Type = Login-User,
Login-IP-Host = virtual.edu.com,
Login-Service = TCP-Clear,
Login-TCP-Port = 2000

_______________ R2 Signaling Configuration

Use the following procedure to configure the PortMaster 3 to support
R2 signaling on an E1 line.

R2 signaling for the PortMaster 3 has been tested in Argentina, Brazil,
Chile, Israel, Mexico, Panama, Phillipines, Romania, Russia, South
Africa, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, and Venezuela.

Both analog modem and 56Kbps ISDN data dial-in calls are supported.
Dial-out is not supported. R2 is not supported on the T1 card.

1. Obtain line parameters from the telephone company, and then enter
commands in the following order to set up R2 signaling. Replace <Line0>
with either line0 or line1.

Command> set <Line0> inband
Command> set <Line0> signal r2generic | mfr2 <Profile>
Command> set <Line0> framing crc4 | fas
Command> set <Line0> encoding hdb3 | ami
Command> save all

New commands are explained below. See the "PortMaster Command Line
Reference" for descriptions of other commands.

2. Insert the line connector (RJ-48c) from the telephone company into the
line0 or line1 port, and enter the "reboot" command.

3. Enter the "show line0" command to verify the configuration. This
example illustrates MFR2 signaling with profile 0, Frame Alignment
Signaling (FAS) framing, and high-density bipolar 3 (HDB3) encoding.

Command> show line0
---------------------- line0 - E1 Inband DS0 ---------------

Status: UP F1 Framing: FAS Encoding: HDB3 PCM: a-law

Signaling: MFR2 Profile: 0

Bipolar 0
CRC4 0
E-bit 0
FAS bit 0

You enable R2 signaling on a per-line basis using one of the two
following commands. Most setups use MFR2 profile 0. commands for
framing and encoding:

set <Line0> signaling r2generic
set <Line0> signaling mfr2 <Profile>

Replace <Line0> with either line0 or line1, and <Profile> with an
integer that is dependent on the country and switch. Generic R2
signaling (r2generic) provides line signaling with all inband tone
signaling disabled. If the telephone company provides inband tone
signaling, you must set the MFR2 profile as follows:

Profile Country
------- ------------
0 ITU-T standard, Argentina
1 Mexico1
2 Brazil and Tunisia
3 Venezuela
4 Mexico2

Most countries use profile 0, the ITU-T standard. Profile 4 can be
used wherever profile 1 is used in Mexico, but not vice versa. Profile
4 is a subset of profile 1 and is used with switches that do not
support caller ID.

See ITU Reference Q.422 for Standard R2 signaling, and Q.441 & Q.442
for Multi-frequency (MF R2) signaling.

_______________ T1 Card Configuration

You can install one T1 card (PM3-SYNC-T1) in any available modem slot
of a PortMaster 3 running ComOS 3.8b13 or later. Only one T1 card is
supported in the PortMaster 3. If you install additional T1 cards,
they are ignored.

The T1 card operates the same way as leased line connections on
built-in ports on the PortMaster 3, with a few exceptions. The T1 card
is identified as "line2" and has the same settings as line0 and line1.
Unused settings are ignored. All line framing and encoding types are
supported. Valid line types are "T1" and "Fractional". (Setting ISDN
defaults to T1 operation.) When set to fractional, the T1 card supports
only one line group. In this case, the card uses the first line group
detected (numerically) for configuration. The fractional line group
supports any number of time slots and also supports 56Kbps channels.

When you install the T1 card, a new port is added to the list of active
ports in the "show all" command. In a single PRI PortMaster 3, the new
port is W24; in a two-PRI PortMaster 3, it is W48.

If the Stac LZS compression card is present in the PortMaster 3, you
can enable Stac compression for the T1 card.

The T1 card can not be used for PRI or channelized T1. The T1 card
does not support E1 or R2.


The T1 card uses one new command which is valid only for line2:

set line2 clock internal | external

When you select internal, the built-in 1.544MHz crystal drives the line.
You can use this setting for dry wire or back-to-back connections.
When you select external, the built-in CSU/DSU extracts the clock
signal from the line. External is the default.

Fractional T1 Configuration

To configure the card for fractional T1, use the following command:

set line2 fractional

To set the channel group for fractional T1, use the following command:

set line2 group <Cgroup> channel <Channel-list>

<Cgroup> is a group number from 1 to 63, or use the "none" keyword to
unassign channels. <Channel-list> is a list of channels from 1 to 24,
separated by spaces. The channel numbers do not have to be contiguous.

To set the channel rate to 56Kbps or 64Kbps for a channel group, use
the following command:

set line2 group <Cgroup> 56k | 64k

Note that 56Kbps is typically used for D4 framing, while 64Kbps is used
for other framing types. 64Kbps is the default.

save all

NOTE: If you configure a line for fractional T1 and do not configure
the group and channels before the PortMaster 3 is rebooted, the line
will no longer show up or be configurable, and you must erase your
entire configuration and reboot to see the line again.

T1 Configuration

To configure the card for full T1, use the following commands:

set line2 t1
save all

Frame Relay Configuration

Refer to the "Using Frame Relay" chapter of the "PortMaster Configuration Guide".

Point-to-Point Configuration

Refer to the "Configuring a Synchronous WAN Port" chapter of the
"PortMaster Configuration Guide".

LED Indication

The LED indication of the T1 card is the same as for line0 and line1 of
the PortMaster 3.

Red light only - CSU/DSU is not synchronized with switch and/or remote end.

Red light and green light - CSU/DSU is up and synchronized. WAN port
is idle or connecting.

Green light only - Port is established and fully operational.

Troubleshooting the T1 Card

Use the "show line2" command to display the status of the line.
If you have not installed the T1 card correctly, the "show line2"
command displays the following error message:

line2 is not available

In this case, remove the card, wait 5 seconds, and reinsert the card

When the card is pulled out, the console displays the message:

"Card Service: Stopping wancard in slot 0"

When the card is put in, the console displays the following message:

Card Service: Starting wancard in slot 0
WANCTL version 0.0
WANCTL: sync_init - found device

The "show alarms" command detects when line2 goes down (for example, if
the T1 cable is pulled out). It does not show an alarm if the card is

Command> show alarms
Alarm Id Age Severity Alarm Message
-------- ------ --------- ------------------------------------------
2851352 0 0 T1 line(2) down

Command> show alarm 2851352
------------------------ Alarm Details --------------------------
Alarm Id: 2851352 Alarm Message: T1 line(2) down
Age in minutes: 0 Alarm repeated: 1 times
Severity: 0 Reported: SNMP

Limitations of the T1 Card

The T1 card is hot-swappable. However, after pulling the card out from
the PortMaster 3 slot you must wait a few seconds before reinserting
it. If you pull the card out and reinsert it immediately, the
PortMaster 3 might lock up. If this happens, you must turn the power off
and on.

A bug in ComOS 3.8b13 prevented Frame Relay over the T1 card from
performing LMI or Annex-D. This is now fixed.

In ComOS 3.8b13, "save all" did not save the DLCI list when you were
using Frame Relay with the T1 card. This problem is fixed in ComOS
3.8b15 and later.

_______________ Limitations in ComOS 3.8b17

No Dial-Out with Location Scripts

Dial-out location scripts are not supported in this beta release. Do
not use this release if you use scripts in dial-out locations. Since
dial-out SLIP requires a script, dial-out SLIP is not supported in this
beta release.

No V.22 on V.34 Card

V.22 is no longer supported on the "True Digital V.34 Card" and
will not be supported in future releases.

Downgrading to ComOS 3.5 Loses Ether0 IP Address

If the ComOS is downgraded from release 3.8b17 to 3.5, the ether0
address is lost and must be reconfigured. To do so, attach a console
to the C0 port and enter the "set ether0 address Ipaddress" command,
followed by "save all" and "reboot".

"Bad PPP Address" Error Message

The console sometimes displays "ppp_recv (<S0>): Bad PPP Address" during
a PPP session, where S0 can be any port.

When you are making an analog dial-out call, the following messages
might appear on the console, although the connection succeeds.

S1: Chat Succeeded - Starting PPP
(S1) PPP recv: BAD CRC - mdp M1
(S1) PPP recv: BAD CRC - mdp M1
S1: LCP IPCP Open - Connection Succeeded

Fractional T1 Requires Channel Group

If you configure a line for fractional T1 and do not configure the
group and channels before the PortMaster 3 is rebooted, the line will
no longer show up or be configurable, and you must erase your entire
configuration and reboot to see the line again.

_______________ Upgrade Instructions

UPGRADE! If you are upgrading using PMconsole for Windows, you must use
PMconsole for Windows version or later. You can also use
PMVision to perform this upgrade.

*** CAUTION! If the upgrade fails, do NOT reboot! Contact Lucent ***
*** Remote Access Technical Support without rebooting. ***

The upgrade process on the PortMaster 3 erases the configuration area
from nonvolatile memory and saves the current configuration into
nonvolatile memory. Never interrupt the upgrade process, or loss of
configuration information can result. This upgrade does not otherwise
affect your stored configuration in the PortMaster.

The installation software can be retrieved by FTP from
ftp://ftp.livingston.com/pub/le/software/System/Tarfile.tar.Z. Replace
System and Tarfile.tar.Z with the names of the files. You can retrieve
the upgrade image at the same time. The following example shows an
administrator retrieving the SunOS pminstall and PortMaster 3 upgrade

umask 22
mkdir /usr/portmaster
cd /usr/portmaster
ftp ftp.livingston.com
(Enter anonymous)
(Enter your email address; it will not echo.)
cd /pub/le/software/sun4
get pm_3.5.3_sun4.tar.Z pm.tar.Z
cd /pub/le/upgrades
get pm3_3.8b17
uncompress pm.tar.Z
tar xvf pm.tar
rm pm.tar
mv pm3_3.8b17 data

PMconsole for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 is available on
ftp://ftp.livingston.com/pub/le/software/pc/pmw3514.exe in a
self-extracting file. Transfer that file via FTP, run the file to
install PMconsole for Windows, move the upgrade file into the data
directory, run PMconsole for Windows, and click the Upgrade icon.

PMconsole for the following operating systems can be found under

bsdi/pm_3.5.3_BSDOS_2.0.tar.Z BSD/OS 2.0 and 2.1
sgi/pm_3.5.3_IRIX_5.2.tar.Z SGI Irix 5.2
linux/pm_3.5.3_Linux.tar.Z Linux 1.2.13 ELF
rs6000/pm_3.5.3_RS6000_4.1.tar.Z RS6000 AIX 4.1
alpha/pm_3.5.3_alpha_T3.0.tar.Z Digital Alpha OSF/1 T3.0
hp/pm_3.5.3_hp9000_10.01.tar.Z HP 9000 HP/UX 10.01
sun4/pm_3.5.3_sun4.tar.Z SunOS 4.1.4, 5.5.1 on Sparc
sun86/pm_3.5.3_sun86_5.5.tar.Z Solaris x86 2.5.1
pc/pmw3514.exe Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0
java/pmvision12b4.tar Java on UNIX
java/pmvision12b4.zip Java on Windows 95 and NT

See ftp://ftp.livingston.com/pub/le/software/java/pmvision12b4.txt for
installation instructions for the PMVision open beta release 1.2b4.

The following upgrade image is available at

ComOS Upgrade Image Product
_________ _____________ _____________________________________
3.8b17 pm3_3.8b17 PortMaster 3

You must add the following three lines to your RADIUS dictionary before
running ComOS 3.8b17. If upgrading from a previous 3.8 beta release,
you must also modify your RADIUS users file to use Call-Check instead
of Call-Check-User. Then kill and restart radiusd.

ATTRIBUTE Class 25 string
ATTRIBUTE Vendor-Specific 26 string
VALUE Service-Type Call-Check 10


Copyright and Trademarks

Copyright 1998 Lucent Technologies. All rights reserved.

PortMaster, ComOS, and ChoiceNet are registered trademarks of Lucent
Technologies, Inc. RADIUS ABM, PMVision, PMconsole, and IRX are
trademarks of Lucent Technologies, Inc. ProVision is a service mark of
Lucent Technologies, Inc. All other marks are the property of their
respective owners.


Lucent Technologies, Inc. makes no representations or warranties
with respect to the contents or use of this publication, and specifically
disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or
fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Lucent Technologies,
Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes
to its content, any time, without obligation to notify any person or
entity of such revisions or changes.

Contacting Lucent Remote Access Technical Support

Lucent Technologies Remote Access Business Unit (previously Livingston
Enterprises) provides technical support via voice, fax, electronic
mail, or through the World Wide Web at http://www.livingston.com/.
Please specify that you are running ComOS 3.8b17 when reporting problems
with this release.

Internet service providers (ISPs) and other end users in Europe, the
Middle East, Africa, India, and Pakistan should contact their
authorized Lucent Remote Access sales channel partner for technical
support; see http://www.livingston.com/International/EMEA/distributors.html.

For North and South America and Asia Pacific customers, technical
support is available Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. U.S.
Pacific Time (GMT -8). Dial 1-800-458-9966 within the United States
(including Alaska and Hawaii), Canada, and the Caribbean, or
1-925-737-2100 from elsewhere, for voice support. Otherwise, fax to
1-925-737-2110, or send email to support@livingston.com
(asia-support@livingston.com for Asia Pacific customers).
To unsubscribe, email 'majordomo@livingston.com' with
'unsubscribe portmaster-announce' in the body of the message.
To unsubscribe, email 'majordomo@livingston.com' with
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