(PM) Line1 to Line1 (or maybe just a dumb question) (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Tue, 23 Jun 1998 17:46:53 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Mark Radabaugh shaped the electrons to say...
>We are planning on setting up a system using 2 pm-3's tied together with T1
>between the two line1 ports of the unit. The question came up of who would

Back to back - that will not work, because...

>provide the clocking for the T1 line. I have heard two different opinions
>on the subject - one being that it won't work as there will be no clock and
>the other that the telco providing the T1 provides the clock for both ends
>of the line. Anyone care to enlighten me on this one?

If there is a telco in the loop, THEY have to provide the clock. If you are
talking a T1 crossover cable, that doesn't work. You need a telco, or a
telco line simulator.

Unless you were talking the new WAN card, that can generate clock. (See,
people asked, they did it.)


<URL:mailto:megazone@megazone.org> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me..
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