(PM) NAT on a 95 box

Donn Lasher (dlasher@owt.com)
Mon, 22 Jun 1998 08:40:42 -0700

>If you want to use Livingston products and have NAT, may I suggest Trumpet
>FIRESOCK (not winsock). It is a NAT stack that runs under windows 95/nt
>and does true independent Nat translation. Unlike Wingate and those other
>crappy ones, Firesock actually WORKS, and requires NOTHING special on the
>workstations, only some software on the host, PLUS its cheaper than all
>the others.

I played around with every single proxy this weekend, and IMHO, they all suck.

Before all the authors jump me, let me rephrase. All of the others work, in
varying degrees, but all except two require proxy configuration, etc etc.
Of the two that don't, firesock doesn't even use Windows DUN, which can be
a good thing, but in the process loses MPP support, and has no ethernet to
ethernet support. So, who's the winner?

SyGate - www.sygate.com

No frills, modem to ether, ether to ether, full NAT, works great. Haven't
priced it out yet, but it just plain works.


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