Re: (PM) Modem connection difficulties

System Administration Staff (
Sun, 21 Jun 1998 21:46:33 -0500 (CDT)

The PM3 automatically assigns the DNS servers. However, I have tried to
manually enter them, which doesn't seem to cure the problem. Remember,
this is an intermittent problem. Also, we're not using any filters.


- Steve

On Sun, 21 Jun 1998, Mia's Virtual Post Office wrote:

> System Administration Staff said on 6/22/98 12:55 AM
> >I've noticed a disturbing new pattern of connection problems forming with
> >my users. I'm running PM3's with ComOS 3.7.2 and K56Flex modems installed.
> >
> >A caller will dial in and get connected at good speeds (40+ K with a Kflex
> >modem, 33.6 with a V.34). However, _often_ she will not be able to
> >transfer data. No name resolution, no pinging (name or number), etc. She
> >seems to be assigned an IP address (winipcfg in Win95) as well as name
> >server address, all of which are correct. The darned connection just
> >refuses to transfer data. This user states that the same problem happens
> >with both her Jaton Modulator56 (rockwell chip) and her Atlas 33.6 on two
> >different boxes, but with the same phone line. And (of course), she can
> >connect to the local Bell internet service at light speed every time.
> >
> >The bad part - she's an example out of a group of about 10 such calls I
> >fielded this week. Any ideas?
> Do these users have their equitment pointed at a DNS server?
> jer
> Ameritech, Our Link To Disaster
> "On a day no different than the one now dawning, Leonardo drew the first
> strokes of the Mona Lisa, Shakespeare wrote the first words of Hamlet, and
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