Re: (PM) Renumbering

Jon Rust (
Sat, 20 Jun 1998 09:05:59 -0700

On 6/20/98 2:20 AM proclaimed --

>On 19 Jun 1998, Jon Rust wrote:
>> Okay at this point the network the PM3 is on will be the new address --
>>, but the PM3 will be reporting the old address. Will this make
>> Pipelines, Netopias, and Netgears happy? Is step 3 necassary, or does the
>> fact that the IP aliased to e0.1 by itself solve the problem? If 3 is
>> needed, I'm still stuck with switching everyone over to the address all
>> at one time, when I ditch the reported ip, right?
>You must report the correct IP to the remote side. The PM will take the
>"primary" address of ether0 and report it unless you specify something
>else via RADIUS.
>As I said, if OSPF is routing your traffic, you really don't need to have
>the old IP in the config of the PM at all.

Ahhhh, I'm not worried about the internal network. I'll get that going.
I'm worried about keeping my routed users connected and happy. It sounds
like the reported IP is all important and must match what the remote side
is looking for. That's ugly. 100 ISDN router users: "Okay, everyone
ready?!" Anyone who changes too early or not at all loses
communication. Ugg. Better hire extra TS for those few days.

RFE for ISDN router vendors: ***learn*** the remote side IP.

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