(PM) Renumbering

Jon Rust (jpr@vcnet.com)
Fri, 19 Jun 1998 17:17:51 -0700

I'm slowly making my way through renumbering. I've come to the point
where I want to flop the PM3s' LAN segment over to the new IPs. The tough
part is folks with routed connections (eg, ISDN routers). Most, if not
all, of these routers want to know the IP of the router they're calling.
I know b13 (which I'm running) supports subinterfaces on the ethernet
port, and I know I can set the reported IP. Will this work:

Old address:
New Address:

1) set IP address for e0 to

2) set IP address for e0.1 to

3) set reported ip to

Okay at this point the network the PM3 is on will be the new address --, but the PM3 will be reporting the old address. Will this make
Pipelines, Netopias, and Netgears happy? Is step 3 necassary, or does the
fact that the IP aliased to e0.1 by itself solve the problem? If 3 is
needed, I'm still stuck with switching everyone over to the address all
at one time, when I ditch the reported ip, right?

Thanks a million.

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