Re: (PM) user table / passwords (fwd)

Thomas Kinnen (
Fri, 19 Jun 1998 18:44:55 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 19 Jun 1998, System Administration Staff wrote:

> The pmreadpass.exe utility worked for about the first 30 users, then it
> just kind of quit. I've been moving users to RADUIS and deleting them,
> but this will be difficult if I can't get the rest of the users and
> passwords. And what's more, when I delete a user from the local table, it
> doesn't seem to be removed from pmreadpss.exe's output. Is there a better

NT/95 I take it from the .exe? If you have access to a Linux box try it
from there as that is what I did.

Thomas Kinnen - -
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