(PM) Beta complaints, v.90 instability

PM User (pm-user@lightcom.net)
Fri, 19 Jun 1998 13:58:30 -0600

After spending 6+ hrs. catching up on E-mail, I have to wonder if some of
you folks think before you hit the send button/icon.

<ADVICE SRC="rant">
Just because some vendors are sending out shoddy v.90 code doesn't mean we
should should be demanding that Livingston do so. v.90 on the USR/3com
works great HERE. The T-1 card seems to work great too. But, I am taking
sensitive parts of my anatomy and putting them on the anvil for Mr. Murphy
to take a swing at by running beta code. The most I can do (in fairness) if
things go awry is call Livingston and hope they have an answer. I happen to
thrive on stress. That's why I do what I do for a living. It isn't as if we
are left without a choice, we do have 3.7.2c (and despite what some might
say, odds are, if you have a problem with that version, experience tells me
it is specific to your situation).
It is so absurd to hear people ranting about getting new code out quickly,
and in the same breath remind us of how "bad" 3.7 was. Do you think
speeding up the process will result in BETTER code? Yes, it's appropriate
to voice problems with beta code. It is totally inappropriate to whine and
DEMAND about it in a public forum! It's just plain rude.
Explaining to my customers that it is the manufacturers of their shiny new
modems that are the problem, not us, tends to console them (being able to
show a customer a 50.333k connection with a 3Com is very convincing), try
it! I have sold dozens of the 3Com v.90's because of this.
Yes, there are issues with the v.34 code (though my primary troublemaker
has been the SupraExpress 33.6i). Yes, 3.8b16 seems to have resolved most
of them, but it could crash on me any day (no, I'm not under an NDA, so I'm
not violating trust here). That is a risk I take. I also like to jump out
of perfectly good airplanes for recreation. If you're smarter than I/fonder
of a low stress lifestyle, you'll choose another path.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Beta software complaints > /dev/null

Emilio Gomez http://www.emilio-gomez.net/
PGP key: http://www.lightcom.net/pgp/emiliogomez.asc
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