Re: (PM) user table / passwords (fwd)

System Administration Staff (
Fri, 19 Jun 1998 11:34:03 -0500 (CDT)

The pmreadpass.exe utility worked for about the first 30 users, then it
just kind of quit. I've been moving users to RADUIS and deleting them,
but this will be difficult if I can't get the rest of the users and
passwords. And what's more, when I delete a user from the local table, it
doesn't seem to be removed from pmreadpss.exe's output. Is there a better

- Steve

On Fri, 19 Jun 1998, MegaZone wrote:

> >Is there a way to get the passwords from the local user table into some
> >kind of a backup? I noticed that a system backup does not save them.
> The 'pmreadpass' utility makes a RADIUS users file out of the local
> table.
> >Also, along those same lines, how many users is too many (in the local
> >user table, that is)? I've heard anywhere from 50-150. Just curious.
> 100 was the recommended max on all units before the PM-3, based on
> experience. In theory a PM-3 can hold more, but more than 100 is not
> encouraged. Frankly, RADIUS is so easy to use I wouldn't use the local
> table for more than a handful.
> -MZ

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