RE: (PM) PM4 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 17:45:33 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jaime Bozza shaped the electrons to say...
>This doesn't exactly work with the PM4 though. The CT1/PRI/T1 cards have
>modems in them. At this time (though I've seen word that it may change),
>you can't get an ISDN only card.

See <URL:>

Q. What access modules are available?

A. Initially available modules for the PortMaster 4 include a
channelized T3 and E3 module that multiplexes T1/E1 streams within
T3/E3, a quad T1 98-modem module and a tri E1 98-modem module
featuring "True Digital" Lucent DSP modem architecture, and
ISDN/frame relay/leased line module.

I don't know why this isn't on the price list, I've seen Lucent reps
talk about this, it is in the FAQ (as shown) and it has been part of
the plan for a long while.

I believe the first is basically the same module, just no modems onboard.
I could easily see them having a generation two card with say 10 or 12
T1/E1 interfaces - using the space no longer needed for modems.


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