Re: (PM) PM4 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 17:35:52 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Brently The Admin shaped the electrons to say...
>If its not generally available and doesn't for sure do what it says... why
>the hell are they advertising w/ full page ads in magazines?

The small and medium chassis are available now, the large chassis was just
announced as being available sometime in June. But they had all of them
described on the website last fall...

But it is hard to fault them on that, I mean, the PM-4 has been on the
website at Lucent since it was announced at ISPCon. It hasn't gone to
FCS yet. I believe it is orderable now, but only trial development sites
have it. Though I expect FCS to be very soon now.


<> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me..
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