Re: (PM) Re: PM4 (fwd)

Marc Evans (
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 17:21:08 -0400

>From: Brian Elfert <>
>On Thu, 18 Jun 1998, Marc Evans wrote:
>> Well, I for one can state that we have turned off the power on all of
>> our Livingston PM3's/PM2's and now use an Assured Access system as the
>> replacement. We are extremely happy with the result. We don't suffer
>> from the V.90 issues that others on this list seem to constantly gripe
>> about, the V.90 code simply works, with both Rockwell and USR.
>For what reasons did you choose Assured Access over the PM3?
>Was it just the V.90 issue?

Actually, V.90 was the least of our concerns. It's just an interresting
bonus. Selling points included the dual redundent architecture, and software
features, in particular the virtual router functionality. The responsiveness
of engineering to our suggestions and requests has been superb. Technical
support (both pre and post sale) is quite responsive.

I guess an important aspect to keep in mind here is that we chose and have
been using this platform since January '98. At that time, the PM4 was barely
a rumor, and Ascend was still trying to work out severe problems with the TNT
equipment. From our perspective, the Assured Access system is about 6 to 12
months ahead of most other players in their arena, as far as many features
that we are interrested in are concerned. Thus far, they have delivered
everything I expected, and in some cases more. I am glad that I am at the
stage I am, and not awaiting delivery on a PM4...

- Marc
Marc Evans WB1GRH The Destek Networking Group
E-Mail: Marc@Destek.NET One Indian Head Plaza
URL: http://WWW.Destek.NET/~marc Nashua, NH, USA 03060
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