(PM) Re: PM4 (fwd)

Marc Evans (marc@destek.net)
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 04:06:38 -0400

Well, I for one can state that we have turned off the power on all of
our Livingston PM3's/PM2's and now use an Assured Access system as the
replacement. We are extremely happy with the result. We don't suffer
from the V.90 issues that others on this list seem to constantly gripe
about, the V.90 code simply works, with both Rockwell and USR.

Yes, MZ, there are a few fringe features that it didn't support in version
1.0 of the software. Many of those features have since then been implemented
and it has quite a few features that I really like that are not available
with the Livingston product.

Those of you who may talk with Assured about their system should also
ask to discuss features due out in the 2.0 software. These features are
in large what really sold us on the product from the beginning, and I
suspect that many readers of this list will also find them particularly
useful. Note, the 2.0 software is just now entering Beta, so it is very
close to being shipping product...

As for the NIH syndrom you mention, what's the big deal? Some very large
amount of software created today uses that model. Specific to the router
industry, consider that Motorola and Ascend licensed Proteon code as a
piece of their product (several others have too). In my opinion, using
proven code fragments to implement to system more quickly produces a
solid system then you would get from all new code. Reinventing the wheel
just to claim you can do so is not a benefit that influances my buying

In short, if you are considering a PM4, do yourself a favor and at least
talk to the folks at Assured Access. You will probably be happy that you

>From: MegaZone <megazone@megazone.org>
>Once upon a time Rick Smith shaped the electrons to say...
>>I still haven't made up my mind whether the pm4 is a good box or not.
>>IMO, I'd rather buy PM3's, since the PM4 doesn't allow modem pooling.
>>Or, another alternative, assured access. http://www.assured-access.com
>>Check them out. Nice box, half the price of a PM4 with better options
>>and a company that will kill to develop software / options for you if
>I talked to them at a tradeshow this spring. From the mouth of their rep
>they still haven't implmented many of the features and options claimed in
>the literature. And the full, high-density box wasn't even a reality
>at the time - they were still 'working on development'. I did not get
>a very good impression of the product, they are admittedly outsourcing
>OS components - which means it is a patchwork.
>- -MZ

- Marc
Marc Evans WB1GRH The Destek Networking Group
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