Re: (PM) PM4 (fwd)

Brently The Admin (
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 14:30:55 -0400

If its not generally available and doesn't for sure do what it says... why
the hell are they advertising w/ full page ads in magazines?

Its ok for them to hold back on software releases until they're sure it'll
work right, but they can't hold back on advertising a product that isn't

What gives?

"Hi! Welcome to <insert favorite ice cream store here>. Did you see our ad?"

"Yes! I'd like the cherry ice cream cone listed in your ad, please"

"Ok, but you can't have it until next month and it may not be cherry."

Ok, thats the end of my rant. It just ticks me off to no end when companies
advertise something they don't have available yet and don't give an
indication that its "coming soon" instead of "order now!".


>I talked to them at a tradeshow this spring. From the mouth of their rep
>they still haven't implmented many of the features and options claimed in
>the literature. And the full, high-density box wasn't even a reality
>at the time - they were still 'working on development'. I did not get
>a very good impression of the product, they are admittedly outsourcing
>OS components - which means it is a patchwork.

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