Re: (PM) Stable v.90

Scott Drassinower (
Wed, 17 Jun 1998 14:08:12 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 17 Jun 1998, Larry Vaden wrote:

> We are running b15.
> Our most common problem is aborted connections of duration under one minute
> (aborted at user request per the log); typically 8 or 10 customer attempts
> to get a connection to run as long as they wish; Karl Denninger of
> may have more meaningful info as he has a much larger site.

So if this is a common issue for you, make a decision.

b15 stays because you want V.90, and users get screwed if they can't
connect to b15.


V.90 people have to wait a while, everyone else is happy, and it is highly
doubtful that you will suffer serious revenue/reputation damage from the
(possibly) pissed V.90 people.

Everyone was warned ahead of time about the state of this software from
Lucent and from other people's reactions on the list. Try it, if it works
that's ok, if not, it will get fixed. No one is commanding people to run
beta software at all, and certainly not if it is broken for you.

If people are screaming at Lucent because they're losing money, they are
screaming at the wrong people. The problem is that the immediate fix (no
V.90, 3.7whatever) will make people who announced V.90 and now need to
bail look silly. It's easier at that point to blame someone else instead
of acknowledging the error.

 Scott M. Drassinower
 Cloud 9 Consulting, Inc.			       	     White Plains, NY
 +1 914 696-4000

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