Re: (PM) Stable v.90

Thomas Kinnen (
Tue, 16 Jun 1998 11:24:10 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Mark Peugeot wrote:

> I think you are missing the point here. There is no way that in 60
> days that there has not been any advances made in the beta software that
> could not be released in a new open beta.

Ok, There are a number of reasons why there may be no release in 60 Days.
You seem to have a good understandering of Beta vs release and some of
what is going on but as a software developer and a beta tester let me give
a brief rundown of why it can take that long (and this may help some of
the others understand).

Please note that this is all fiction. I have no idea as what the current
state of the beta is. This is based on what I've done in the past on
both sides of the beta experanince:

1) Inhouse development
2) SQA tests
a) if SQA rejects go back to 1
b) if SQA approves go to 3
3) Closed Beta
a) For every bug go back to 1 and start over

Now every thime a new bug comes in in 3 it goes back to 1 again and if
enoght come it it may not leave one till a number of them are fixed as
they need to make sure that one fix does not break another fix.

Also depending on the cause of the bug it may be a pain to reproduce or
take a long time to reproduce and then debug (Things like after the its
been running 12 hours it gets an error).

4) Public Beta
a) Get a bug to back to 1 (Which may cause 2a or
3a a number of times again)

Now if people are lax on reporting bugs (and posting on the ML is not a
bug report) they may be at the point of #4 and then *wam* another bug
report to go back and verify. At this point some people may ask why not
relase it to open beta to get out the fixes that are done. Just look at
the bitching about bugs now on the list and you have you answer.

Yes, I want my 3.8 release code. Yes, I'll wait for the best code

Thomas Kinnen - -
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